Jumblat: I Don't Mind Aoun for Presidency if Franjieh Withdraws
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Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat stated on Saturday that he does not oppose the election of MP Michel Aoun for the top state post if his March 8 ally MP Suleiman Franjieh withdraws from the race.
“I don't oppose the election of Aoun for the presidency if the national interest requires, and if Franjieh withdraws from the race. The most important thing is to elect a president,” Jumblat told news website elaph in an interview.
However the Democratic Gathering bloc leader stressed that the matter is not in his hands.
On the chances of Marada chief Franjieh to reach the Baabda Palace, Jumblat said: “There are real chances for Franjieh, Aoun and for the candidate of the Democratic Gathering bloc Henri Helou.
“However it all depends on certain political circumstances which are not available at the time being.”
Lebanon's top Christian post has been vacant for around two years now since the term of President Michel Suleiman ended in May 2014.
Conflicts among various political camps have thwarted attempts to end the vacuum.

Please stop using the word "electing a president".
You are giving democracy a bad name.
Lebanese who brag about being democratic and free are really NOT.
All you have to do is face it and be honest about it.
The system is corrupt, sectarian and deosnt hold water
What we are doing is appointing a president - just not any president, but one with clear mental issues, old enough to not meet already established constitutional requirements. It is a shame.

He dosent mind if Franjieh withdraws, its like being in a nursery