Watkins Meets Suleiman, Saniora, Discusses Ban’s Report on 1701

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United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon ad interim, Robert Watkins, held talks on Thursday with President Michel Suleiman and former Prime Minister Fouad Saniora on the implementation of U.N. Security Council resolution 1701.

Watkins briefed Suleiman on U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s latest report on the implementation of Security Council resolution 1701, which was submitted to the members of the Security Council on November 15.

He welcomed the stability that has prevailed along the Blue Line in recent months and informed Suleiman that U.N. Under Secretary General for Political Affairs B. Lynn Pascoe would be briefing the Security Council on the report on November 29.

Following his discussion with the president, Watkins later met with Saniora to discuss the implementation of resolution 1701 and other relevant issues.

“I voiced the continued expectation of the United Nations that Lebanon will continue to meet all its international obligations under resolution 1701 as well as all other relevant resolutions, including those related to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon,” he said after the meeting.

“We are following developments in that regard very closely and await the outcome of the discussions of the Lebanese government,” he added.

Watkins has been holding a round of meetings with Lebanese officials and politicians over the past two weeks to discuss Ban’s report and follow up on other relevant matters of concern to the United Nations.

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