Syria Regime Aircraft Hit Kurd-Held Area for First Time

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Syrian government aircraft bombed Kurdish positions in the divided northeastern city of Hasakeh on Thursday, the first such strikes against a Kurdish-held area of Syria, a monitor said.

At least six Kurdish positions were hit, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

An Agence France Presse correspondent saw government aircraft target several Kurdish positions in the city, which has seen heavy clashes between Kurdish fighters and pro-government militia since Wednesday.

Comments 6
Thumb Mystic 18 August 2016, 16:23

If that happens then Turkey might seek friendship with Assad.
One thing Erdogan hates more than Assad is the kurdish wishes for independence.

Thumb shab 18 August 2016, 19:14

Filthy murdering militia

Thumb ex-fpm 18 August 2016, 19:49

she wants to ruin your reputation?:)!

Thumb Southern...... 18 August 2016, 20:08

if Kurds are receiving aids and weapons from the warmonger, than they deserve it... they only step they have to take is to join the Syrian army, the legal gov.

Thumb popeye 18 August 2016, 20:54

إيران: شكلنا جيش "سليماني" ليقاتل بالعراق وسوريا واليمن

أعلن الجنرال محمد علي فلكي، القيادي في الحرس الثوري وأحد قادة القوات الإيرانية في سوريا، أن "بلاده شكلت "جيش التحرير الشيعي" بقيادة قائد فيلق القدس قاسم سليماني، حيث يقاتل هذا الجيش حاليا على ثلاث جبهات في العراق وسوريا واليمن"، على حد قوله.إيران-شكلنا-جيش-سليماني-ليقاتل-بالعراق-وسوريا-واليمن.html

Thumb kanaanljdid 18 August 2016, 22:32

The Kurds are the most legitimate actor in this filthy war between the filthy Houthis/Assad and Da3esh.

Let's hope they'll be successfull in fighting Assad as they are in fighting Da3esh.