Western Galilee Attacked from Southern Lebanon, Israel Retaliates and Warns
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربيةOne rocket was fired from southern Lebanon into northern Israel overnight, prompting the Jewish state’s army to warn Beirut early Tuesday to work to prevent similar attacks in the future.
The Lebanese army released a statement saying that one rocket was fired from southern Lebanon from the area between the town of Haneen and Rmaish into Israel.
The National News Agency reported that Israel retaliated by firing four rockets on Aita al-Shaab.
Later Tuesday, the army and the UNIFIL found a rocket launchpad between Wadi Ain Ebel area and Rmaish, according to NNA.
A military spokesman confirmed to Agence France Presse that at least one rocket was fired from the region of Rmaish.
"We know that a rocket was fired from the region of Rmaish and we are investigating," said the spokesman, who did not want to be identified.
He said Israel had retaliated by firing four rockets.
The region of Rmaish is largely controlled by Hizbullah, but an official from the group told AFP he had no immediate comment on Tuesday's incident.
A source from Hizbullah told Voice of Lebanon radio (100.5) that the party will issue a statement on the rocket incident, ruling out that it had anything to do with the attack.
However, the Israeli army said several rockets were fired from southern Lebanon and landed in the western Galilee region, causing no casualties.
After the rocket fire, the Israeli army retaliated, striking the outskirts of Aita al-Shaab with artillery shells, the army said, without offering further specifics.
Israeli military radio, citing army officials, said the rocket fire was likely the work of a small Palestinian or Islamist group rather than Hizbullah.
The radio added that Israeli military officials had stressed their desire to avoid an escalation and said that the response to the rocket fire would be "limited and selective."
Later Tuesday, Abdullah Azzam Brigades, the Qaida affiliated organization, claimed the attack against northern Israel.
It said in a statement that the Azzam Brigades that the rockets had “hit the targets.”
It said it was the eighth rocket attack since the war between the Jewish state and Hizbullah ended in August 2006.
Both Israeli government and military officials called on the Lebanese government and military to prevent rocket fire towards the Jewish state.
Intelligence Minister Dan Meridor told Israeli military radio that "the Lebanese government and its army hold sole responsibility for what happens" in southern Lebanon.
"The question of who is behind this fire is not yet answered," he said, adding that "Hizbullah understands that it has no interest in an escalation."
In its statement, the Israeli military warned that it considered the rocket fire "a serious incident and believes that it is the responsibility of the Lebanese government and the Lebanese army to avoid this kind of attacks."
On Tuesday morning, local Israeli military commanders were still assessing the situation but had not instructed residents to go to air raid shelters.
The most recent exchange of fire along the always tense Israeli-Lebanese border was on August 1, when soldiers from the two countries opened fire along the the Blue Line, the U.N.-drawn border.
That incident came almost a year after Lebanese and Israeli troops traded fire along the same border, killing two Lebanese soldiers and a journalist along with a senior Israeli officer.
That flare-up was the worst clash between the two sides since Israel's devastating 2006 war in Lebanon against Hizbullah.
The war, launched after a Hizbullah cross-border raid that captured two Israeli soldiers, destroyed much of Lebanon's major infrastructure and killed more than 1,200 Lebanese -- mainly civilians -- and 160 Israelis, mainly soldiers.
In May 2011, tensions once again flared as protesters massed on the border between the two countries to mark the anniversary of the 1948 creation of the Jewish state, which Palestinians term the "nakba," or catastrophe.
Israeli troops killed 10 people and wounded more than 110 others as protesters tried to flood across the border from Lebanon.

syrian rockets fired into israel in an attempt to spread the terror.
this regime is trying to drag us into the abis.

Can any one say what is it good for?
What those who shot the rockets trying to achieve.
As we all know that each rocket hitting the Israeli side of the border will be reciprocated.
I call you from the Israeli side of the border: Live and let live as both sides will be hurt and we all know whose side will lick the wounds longer and who will finally suffer-only the innocent civilian..

Funny thing is that the tittle of the article states:
"Rockets Fired from Lebanon into Galilee, Israel Retaliates and Warns"
yet its ONE ROCKET!
Naharnet, please don't create fear in people and think before you write..its your responsibility.
In not saying that its good to fire any rockets... the matter is that if you read the tittle without reading the article you would assume "many rockets were fired from Lebanon" and as if the war can start any minute.

It is expected for the cornered Syrian regime to try to ignite the Lebanese Israeli in the hopes of providing a diversion.
This will not work because despite the some lebanese posturing most of them are no longer willing to pay for the Salvation of the Syrian regime.

sweating devil, not hard as there are plently of bootlickers in lebanon who believe in Greater Syria and will do the dirty work on behalf of syria & iran

@Bubbles what is it that you want them to say oh it's nothing, I guess truth hurts. One rocket is enough to ignite a war. they are retaliating by 4. what do you need 10 for 100 so that they destroy Lebanon again? this time Hezzis are going to brag about that they won again it dosen't matter if the entire Lebanon is destroyed & 1 Heezzi left. so I say thank you naharnet for keeping us informred.

Danny B, many in Lebanon agree with you. We are sick and tired of all this shit

I believe that noone can make even a single move in that area without Hesbelshaitan's prior knowledge. Hezzi of course by the order of his master in Syria & the grand master in Iran are going to try whatever to take the pressure off of Syria.

Guys , those march 8th ffollowers have no vision anymore on anything, they blindly follow their leaders that give them nothing in return, i would maybe understand the chiites because Hezbollah has helped many families , with food, money, schools, health issues, of course with something in return one day.. but anyway what i dont understand are those Aounies fools , following a general of destruction , that once was against the same regime that today is still in place, defending it from its own peoples will, i mean maybe there are extremists in syria but come one its their problem, why wont you let them live free and the way they want? christians fpm followers are such fools, hiding like the christians of syria behind a dictator to survive, let me tell you something, maybe you forgot when we were a minority in 75 , against palestinians, syrians and lebanese affiliated to them, we resisted in spitte of all that, your general is a coward and a thief, he wants to control you and abuse you.

Anyway General Aouns predictions have always been false, he is misleading the christians that follow him into the abyss, but i dont blame him, i blame the fools that follow him and get nothing in return, i dont know what the hell they are thinking, you think if Lebanon become as second iranian base thanks to hezbollah , that you will still be able to work in Arab countries or anywhere in the world? do you still you will still be able to put a tie, jean or anything modern? do u think you will still have parties and alcohol in Lebanon? do you think you will still have anything actually??
Now concerning the issue of rockets, it is clear its not Hezbollah, as it is weakened by the soon fall of the syrian regime, and cannot ignite a war now because it cannot be supplied of weapons anymore, and Iran is in no better position , isolated, with sanctions and its ally syria on the verge of collapse, its clear its Syria trying to drag Lebanon to hell with it

Hezbollah , since its controlling the whole south , should maybe demonstrate a little bit of good will, and try to find who did that, and bring them to the Lebanese army so they can be judged, but whats very funny is that what happened means 2 things :
- Its not Hezbollah who did it, but since they control the whole south, they actually must have known about it and let it happen, maybe provoking a new war and ending its existence in an honorable way in the lights of all events that are happening with Syria and Iran ( both weakened) rather than putting down arms.
- Its not Hezbollah who did it, and It finally does not control the south, but wait, if it doesnt, then why is it a resistance?they always say they are capable of protecting Lebanon, then they are lying, they are letting other people fire rockets as well, and we all know about zionist and CIA spies inside Hezb, is it not a capable resistance anymore? anyway pack up and get the hell out of Lebanon ,Iranian-syrian-zionists agent

I would likely to publicly request from Naharnet that it put pictures from the Lebanese side. The report says one rocket hit the Zionist entity, and they fired back 4. Show us pictures of where the 4 Zionist rockets landed. I'm not interested in seeing Zionist fire fighters warming up over a camp fire, and Naharnet is supposed to be Lebanese first. Lubnan awwalan, right?

this rocket was fired from between two christian villages, who's hizbelshitan trying to fool here? they got this Palestine group to do it for them. miserable attempt..

amazing poem...
so prophetic of Gebran Khalil Gebran
May God help us see how much we truly need Him

Hahaha pacifier, loved your comment, especially knowing that geagea was syria's artillery coverage when they attacked aoun and invaded lebanon

Lemme see, so one rocket fired yesterday at the Zionist entity from Lebanon. If my calculations are correct, and they usually are, between yesterday and today we have fired more rockets (a grand total of 1) into the Zionist entity than the glorious Assad pappy and junior regimes have in 40 years. Wow that's something idnit, and the Syria regime claims to be hostile towards the Zionist enemy, Murad probably believes them. Just withing the last couple of years the Zionist enemy blew up a nuclear facility in Syria, buzzed Bashar's summer home with him inside, shot dead a bunch of idiotic Palestinians trying to break through the Syrian Israeli border and the Syrian reply since 1973 has been, TADA! less than one rocket.Yeah I can see epic bravery written all over the Syrian regime, maybe if the Israelis sent unarmed children then the magnificent Assad will spring into action, give the orders to the Syrian army to slaughter them all like his dad did in Lebanon and he's doing now in Syria.

Yeh like usual Lebanese army always to blame, enable not to damage your relationship with Hezboshaitan, Hezbollah is your real agent in Lebanon who you will never blame, because you want to put more pressure on Lebanese government and American Jews, this how you did it in the past and Today. Lies and more lies this entire event is orchestrated by the Zionist and Hezboshaitan to raise more money and political pressure.