Helou Says Nomination to Continue 'as Long as It's Beneficial for Country'
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MP Henri Helou, a member of MP Walid Jumblat's Democratic Gathering bloc, announced Wednesday that his presidential nomination will continue “as long as it is beneficial for the country's interest.”
In a statement, Helou said his final decision will be announced at the appropriate time.
And in what he described as “an oath before the oath of office,” the MP pledged that he would “preserve freedom and democracy” in Lebanon and would “fiercely confront corruption.”
“Corruption is an enemy that is not less dangerous than the other enemies of the Lebanese entity,” he said.
After initially endorsing Helou's nomination, Jumblat shifted his support for Marada Movement chief MP Suleiman Franjieh after the latter was endorsed by ex-PM Saad Hariri in late 2015.
But after Hariri formally endorsed the presidential nomination of Free Patriotic Movement founder MP Michel Aoun on Thursday, Jumblat has voiced support for what he described as a “settlement” and several members of his bloc are expected to vote for Aoun.
Lebanon has been without a president since the term of Michel Suleiman ended in May 2014 and Hizbullah, Aoun's Change and Reform bloc and some of their allies have been boycotting the parliament's electoral sessions, stripping them of the needed quorum.
Hariri had launched an initiative in late 2015 to nominate Hizbullah's ally Franjieh for the presidency but his proposal was met with reservations from the country's main Christian parties as well as Hizbullah.
The supporters of Aoun's nomination have argued that he is more eligible than Franjieh to become president due to the size of his parliamentary bloc and his bigger influence in the Christian community.

My child libanobrasil Camille Chamoun and Pierre Gemayel were as you say right-wing tools Zionist stooges who invited the Syrian and Israeli armies to occupy Lebanon. But you know that already child, you were briefed. Also I like this more recent ID of yours makes you sound legitimate and the addition of a young Camille Chamoun make it even more believable, keep up the good work.

WOW how the hell did my private message to libanobrasi become public, was I hacked by Trump? Nevermind yo Hajj Mohammad Raad call our computer tech Hajj Devansh Patel get him to fix this immediately or somebody gonna get a hurt real bad!

virgo: so hilarious and witty! those shekels spent on you are totally worth it

My child mowaten so you know those shekels that we get from Iran are used by our Palestinian brother in the occupied Palestine to buy knives and become Estechehadiyeen how else are going to pay Lebanese Liras. By the way child, I never got around to ask any of you guys, how did the Zionist occupiers pay your dad when he was an officer in the SLA in shekels or in Dollars just curious.

WHAT!! PUBLIC AGAIN!!! Jesu.. umm.. Mahdi!! what's going on are we under attack by the right-wing Trump hackers?? Darnit Hajj Devansh work faster!!

My child mowaten I used to have the same problem with side-splitting until I started wearing the Hajje's spanx. They are just wonderful they gives my famous girlish figure and no more side-splits.

no, he's just a stooge for jumby who killed thousands of people

My child mowaten we agreed never to mention the "jumby killings" lest people recall that all our allies and the glorious Syrian army were helping him out. We came later but we did our bit for the common cause. I was in the seminar child did you miss it? On a side note, I have to tell you how impressed I and the leadership in the Islamic republic of Iran are with how efficiently you manage all the different Naharnet accounts of yours especially the most recent ones, kudos.

Indeed! Where is my beautiful beloved free Lebanon? Well maybe Mohammed knows?