Report: Berri Gives Credit to Nasrallah, Hariri, Himself on Aoun's Election
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Speaker Nabih Berri stated on Monday that three figures have contributed to the election of President Michel Aoun to the post including Hizbullah leader Saayed Hassan Nasrallah, PM-designate Saad
Hariri and himself, As Safir daily reported on Monday.
Berri said that Nasrallah has adhered to the nomination of General Aoun over two and a half years, and Hariri has taken some risks when he nominated Aoun.
He added in an interview to the daily: “Yes, I could have obstructed the quorum, but I did not although the parties who rejected the election of Aoun have insisted that I do. It is what made the election process complete.
“Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geaega has insinuated some parties, including ourselves, to shift to the opposition so he can have the whole space for himself in the new government. But he has missed the fact that national interest compels us at this timing to form a united government based on sound and fair grounds,” he was quoted.
On the demands of the LF to be given the Finance Ministry in the new cabinet, he said: “I am not the one rejecting to give the LF a sovereign portfolio in the new cabinet. The Finance Ministry was not initially with the LF and I requested it be given to us. They say that they want to adhere to the Taef accord. In the accord the issue of the finance ministry is settled and it has been given to the Shiite sect. Why is rotation of power not applicable to other sovereign portfolios?” he asked.
On the reported demands of the LF to have four ministers or more in the new government, Berri said astonished: “The LF is demanding to be given half the number of its deputies as ministers,” based on that “since I am negotiating (the distribution of portfolios) on behalf of the AMAL Movement, Hizbullah, Suleiman Franjieh and others, would (it be logical that) I demand half the number of these deputies which means more than half of the government?!”
He concluded: “Because of these complications I have asked them before to agree with each other before the president was elected.”
On mandating him by Nasrallah to speak on behalf of Hizbullah and AMAL as for the participation in the new government, Berri said it reflects a strategic relationship that links him to Nasrallah, and pointed out that Nasrallah's position will enhance his negotiating perspective and will allow them to get what they want.

Berri did not elect Aoun but takes credit for his election. It figures.....!

If you are so proud of your accomplishment why the temper tantrums when hariri nominated aoun?

It's about time he retires... we're tired of seeing his face and thuggish militia.

Whether you like Berri or not , he's been one of the few steady hands keeping things together these last couple years. Give credit when it's due. And no I'm not Shiite. Lol.

Berri: "Talla3o 3alayye ana shu shatir! I refused to back Aoun and that is why I deserve a reward for his election. I could have blocked the quorum to make it look more credible that I am against his election, but like this I get to have my cake and eat it. Because I'm such a good, good boy! Give me some credit y'all..."

Where did taef give the shiites the finance portfolio? And the sovereign portfolios were rotated during the past two cabinets.

I don't disagree with that whyaskwhy. All the secterian leaders help there own at the expense of the nation as a whole. That's a problem that needs to be overcome eventually if people want a better life.