Hizbullah Insists on Cabinet of 30 Ministers

The latest meetings between some political parties delved on easing the difficulties hampering the formation of a new cabinet, have not arrived at an adequate solution for the allotment of the public works ministerial portfolio, while Hizbullah insists on the formation of a 30-minister cabinet, al-Joumhouria daily reported Saturday.
Sources following up closely on the meetings between President Michel Aoun and Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea on one hand and between Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri and Marada Movement chief MP Suleiman Franjieh on the other, told the daily that a final decision on the controversial public works portfolios has not be reached.
Speaker Nabih Berri and the Lebanese Forces chief both insist that the ministry should be part of his share in the cabinet.
Furthermore, Franjieh is adamant to be given one of three ministerial portfolios, the health, telecommunications or public works.
The sources remarked that Hariri's meeting with Berri late on Friday was only to “test the waters” and weigh the possibility if the Speaker would concede the public works ministry in return for one of two, the agriculture or health ministry.
In light of the prevailing atmospheres, the sources said some hurdles could be overcome if an agreement was reached to form a 30-minister cabinet which Hizbullah insists on adopting to guarantee a wide-scale participation for his allies.
Aoun, however, refuses the suggestion while Speaker Nabih Berri said it could be negotiable.
Media reports said that Berri and Aoun have launched efforts aimed at resolving the obstacles that are hindering the formation process.
Berri and Hariri were expected to discuss the ministerial portfolio that will be offered to Marada Movement chief MP Suleiman Franjieh, “knowing that Hariri did not make any offer to the Marada chief during their meeting two days ago,” the reports said.
Franjieh's demand to get a key ministerial portfolio is one of the main declared obstacles that are delaying the formation of the new cabinet.
Franjieh has announced that Marada will not join the new cabinet if it does not get one of three so-called important portfolios – public works, energy or telecommunications.
Berri, who is negotiating on behalf of the Hizbullah-led March 8 forces, has backed Franjieh's demand and insisted that Marada should be represented in the government with an important portfolio.

Hezbollah the party of terror did not nominate hariri but they want to impose on him a 30 minister cabinet. They can do that because they are armed.

So political parties are somehow undemocratically negotiating ministries as if they were lollipop flavours? Shouldn't the people have a certain say? Or maybe let the ministries be run by people who have actual experience in the respective fields which the ministries are named after?

At 30 members, it's no longer a cabinet but a Senate. In the most stable democracies the legislature has 2 houses, not just one like in the Lebanese parliament - one is a house of proportional representation and one is a house representing the various interests. Lebanon should add such a second house to its parliament and put all these party bosses there, let the cabinet be a real cabinet - small and effective

From 2006 till 2014 they used Aoun to obstruct and delay the formation of successive governments even when the PM designate was the Nasrallah hand picked Mikati. Now that using Aoun is no longer an option they have a new "martyr" to hide behind, Sleiman Frangieh. At least Berri was crystal clear even before Hariri nominated Aoun; give us my package deal or it's gonna be a long wait. After Aoun was elected the formation of a government was called "the grandest Jihad" by Berri and what does Hezballah do? They put Berri in charge of bargaining on their and M8s behalf while they claim to want to facilitate the formation of a new government and smooth start of Aoun's term. Next they're gonna tell us that they have prime swamp land in Florida, a nice tower in Paris or a bridge in Brooklyn they want to sell us.