Democratic Gathering Delegation Meets Hariri
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A Democratic Gathering bloc delegation held a meeting on Tuesday with Prime Minister Saad Hariri at the Grand Serail, talks focused on a new electoral law for the upcoming parliamentary elections.
The delegation included ministers Marwan Hamadeh and Ayman Choucair, and MPs Akram Shehayyeb, Henri Helou, Alaeddine Terro and Wael Abou Faour.
“We have allies in all political blocs. Wherever the delegations from the Progressive Socialist Party and the Democratic Gathering bloc go, we find an understanding for the positions of (PSP leader) Walid Jumblat and his keenness for an electoral law that ensures proper representation for all,” said Hamadeh after the meeting.
“Anyone who believes that we lack allies among the major Christian parties and smaller partisans is wrong,” he added.
The Minister stressed that the bloc has held discussions with several parties, and “they have all assured rejection for laws that do not meet the approval of Jumblat.”
The Democratic Gathering is expected to meet Hizbullah on Wednesday.
Last week they met with President Michel Aoun and Speaker Nabih Berri.
Jumblat rejects endorsing a proportional representation system, and has recently rejected the hybrid law system.

Hamadeh said, "The one thing we're all agreed on is that democracy just doesn't work--hence our name. If we believed democracy worked, we'd get rid of the clause in Article 24 of the Constitution that reserves half of the seats in Parliament to Christians--duh."