Clinton Says Post-Assad Syria Must Protect Minorities, Women

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U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stressed the need for a post-Assad Syria to protect the rights of minorities, ethnic groups and women as she met in Switzerland on Tuesday with Syrian opposition leaders.

Clinton made the points as she met for the first time with members of the Syrian National Council (SNC), which formed in October amid efforts to oust President Bashar al-Assad who is leading a deadly crackdown on protests.

"I'm particularly interested in the work you are doing about how a democratic transition would proceed," Clinton told seven SNC members, including chairman Burhan Ghalioun, at her hotel in the Swiss city of Geneva.

"A democratic transition includes more than removing the Assad regime," the chief diplomat added.

"It means setting Syria on the path of the rule of law and protecting the universal rights of all citizens regardless of sect, or ethnicity or gender," she said.

"We will discuss the work that the council is doing to ensure that their plan is to reach out to all minorities, to counter the regime's divide and conquer approach which pits ethnic and religious groups against one another," she said.

"The Syrian opposition as represented here recognizes that Syria's minorities have legitimate questions and concerns about their future," the chief U.S. diplomat said.

The opposition understands "that they need to be assured that Syria will be better off under a regime of tolerance and freedom that provides opportunity and respect and dignity on the basis of the consent rather than on the whims of a dictator," she added.

In November, the Syrian National Council announced a political program aimed at bringing down Assad followed by a parliamentary election after a year's transition.

The SNC said at the time its goal was to "build a democratic, pluralistic, and civil state by ... breaking down the existing regime, including all of its operatives and symbols."

The SNC, the country's largest and most representative opposition group, said another objective was "preserving, protecting, and enhancing the peaceful nature of the popular revolution."

It would try to forge a "pluralistic ... parliamentary republic ... based on the principles of equal citizenship with separation of powers ... the rule of law, and the protection and guarantee of the rights of minorities."

The SNC, which was formally founded in Istanbul on October 2, is made up of Assad's opponents, including the committees organizing protests on the ground, the Muslim Brotherhood as well as various Kurdish and Assyrian parties.

So far it has only been recognized by Libya, where the National Transitional Council is now in power following a revolt that ousted strongman Moammar Gadhafi.

Meanwhile, the State Department announced that Robert Ford, the U.S. ambassador to Damascus, will return to Syria on Tuesday evening after leaving abruptly in late October because of security threats.

While other countries have removed their ambassador, Washington had tried to keep Ford in place to report on events and keep contacts with ordinary Syrians, sometimes drawing the ire of the Assad regime.

Comments 4
Default-user-icon concerned Christian (Guest) 06 December 2011, 20:45

Why should I trust SNC, which made up of mostly Muslim Brotherhood members, Don"t we rememeber IRAQ, pre aqmerican invasion there were 300 thousand Christian living there, today hardley 25 grand.
Trust the US for guarantees of safety, ask the Iraqi Christians
Wake up people of Syria and see the trap

Default-user-icon hassan (Guest) 06 December 2011, 20:50

joke. rights of women? why doesnt she say this about King Abdullah's regime. women are not even allowed to drive.

Default-user-icon Flip Blip (Guest) 06 December 2011, 20:59

These were the same promises the US got from what later became Al Qaida. Thank you US for a great job through the years. Why learn?

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (Guest) 07 December 2011, 04:42

For all those who wonder and claim to know politics, Yes the US & Europe are supporting the changes in Middle East because in the end they are looking for one big fish to rule all the terrorist organizations, Assad lost his battleground in Lebanon and next in Syria, no more Bin Laden/Saddam/Gaddafi, it is time for a new ruler so that they can either rule him or bomb him if he does not follow a peaceful or controlled groups. KSA will not deal with the Taliban and the expectation is the new regime in Syria will have some authority just as Iran controls Hezbollah and Iraq's Shiite.