Mashnouq Denies Report on Hariri Swap Plan for Premiership

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq denied on Wednesday media reports claiming that PM Saad Hariri made a deal with President Michel Aoun and Hizbullah that guarantees his endorsement as PM after the parliamentary polls.

Mashnouq said the report claimed the alleged swap would see Hariri accept holding the parliamentary elections under a proportional representation system (agreed by Hizbullah and Aoun) in return for the country's premiership after the polls

“The report is inaccurate, not serious and worthless to reply to” said Mashnouq in a tweet.

“Hariri has his own position because of his parliamentary bloc and the magnitude of his political representation,” added the Minister.

Al-Akhbar daily reported on Wednesday that Hariri is seeking Lebanon's premiership after the parliamentary polls are staged during the summer.

It said the PM would accept in return, Hizbullah's proposal to stage the elections under a proportional representation system seeing Lebanon as one district.

Political parties are bickering over amending the current election law which divides seats among the different religious sects.

Al-Mustaqbal Movement of Hariri has rejected that the electoral law be fully based on proportional representation, arguing that Hizbullah's arms would prevent serious competition in the party's strongholds. Meanwhile, Druze leader MP Walid Jumblat has totally rejected proportional representation, even within a hybrid law, warning that it would “marginalize” the minority Druze community.

The country has not organized parliamentary elections since 2009 and the legislature has instead twice extended its own mandate.

The last polls were held under an amended version of the 1960 electoral law and the next vote is scheduled for May.

Comments 5
Thumb gebran_sons 01 March 2017, 14:49

Lebanon is held hostage and being swallowed piece by piece by Iran's Junta under the threat of Iranian arms. Aoun is the grand facilitator of a death of a free nation. The Iran/North Korea form of government, coupled with economic ruin, is coming to Lebanon compliment of FPM, the most disastrous outcome for whatever remains of the Christian community.

Thumb 01 March 2017, 15:24

“The report is inaccurate, not serious and worthless to reply to” said Mashnouq in a tweet.

So why did he reply?

Thumb ex-fpm 01 March 2017, 17:12

because it is spot on 100% true.

Thumb 01 March 2017, 20:30

So sad, the way they let down their constituents. The upcoming elections will be tough for Future.

Thumb 01 March 2017, 23:20

Yes yalla the seventh,

They betrayed the Spirit of the Cedar's Revolution of 2005 when they surrendered to the killers of PM Rafic Hariri. They'll get sanctioned during the upcoming elections. Today, only half of Sidon's businesses responded to Bahia's call for a general strike... times are changing. 5 years ago it would have been 90%!