Jumblat Urges Syria Druze to Shun Repression: We Don't Need Iran Lectures
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat on Friday called on the Druze of Syria not to engage in the repression of anti-regime protests, stressing that engaging the Druze in the “acts of killing” is a “historic mistake.”
In an interview with the London-based, pan-Arab weekly The Majalla, Jumblat said: “In addition to the (predominantly Druze) region of Jabal al-Arab, there is another bleeding region in Syria, the region of Daraa, and the Druze should not engage in a Syrian axis that is against the (Sunni) majority.”
“The Syrian regime is using some military recruits from the residents of Jabal al-Arab in acts of killing and repression against the protesters in Homs, Hama and Daraa,” the Druze leader added.
Separately, he stressed that the Lebanese “are in agreement and they support the Resistance and they do not need lectures from Iran.”
“We stress that we do not want to be an axis of conflict, neither in Lebanon nor in Syria, and if the Iranians insist on the principle of resisting Israel in their style, they must know that the Syrian people, the Lebanese people and the Arab peoples are genuine resistant fighters, and we don’t need lectures from anyone,” said Jumblat.
“The Arab peoples insist that the Palestinians have the right to have their independent state,” he added.
As Jumblat stressed that “the central mission of Hizbullah’s arms is confronting Israel,” he called on the party “not to totally align itself with the Syrian regime.”
The Druze leader also said he did not agree with Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s viewpoint on the Syrian crisis, saying “there is no conspiracy against Syria, but rather a grave mistake the regime had committed against the citizens in Daraa, and it remained unaddressed and those who committed crimes against the people of Daraa have not been held accountable.”
“Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah must advise Bashar al-Assad on the need to carry out reforms for the sake of pluralistic, democratic Syria that is open to all political currents,” Jumblat went on to say.
Addressing Lebanon’s relation with Saudi Arabia, Jumblat said the kingdom “has always played a well-known, positive role in Lebanon.”

You should have said this 8 months ago ya beyk. Anyway, better late than never.

Jumblat has always played a leading and progressive role on the lebanese scene while balancing his actions based on the power in lebanon and the region. Anyone in his shoes would have done the same, if not more, because one time safe is better than a million times dead.
I like jumblat's stances most of the times.
This time I think he's sensing a change in Syria in favor of the opposition.

Jumblat walking on thin ice. One feet on each side of the fence. He clearly sees the end of the Syrian regime, and the diminishing Iranian influence. But also he sees that Hizbullah will still be there for the time being.

mr jump a lot
do everyone a favor and keep quit. you are a perfect example of flip flop politician we have in lebanon.what a shame for lebanon .

walid beik is not a simple politician.....we have to take care actively not to fall into the syrian crisis.
last week in choueifat we narrowly avoided a full scale clash between the PSP and hizballah.

The christians following the GMA should also follow suit, why make enemies of the vast majority of Arabs? think of all the christians lebanese working in the gulf countries.. wake up and realize that you are Arabs and not iranians.

It is time for Jumblatt to leave the Lebanese gov't. Let the Hezz fall with Assad. Excellent words ya Jumblatt.

At first i never understood why Jumblat plays games like that, then i understood that everything he does is for the benefit of his own community the druze, but here is the thing, when you are a nationalist, you think about your whole countrymen not only your little area of influence. But clearly he is a warlord, and needs to pass his inheritance to his son taymour and will do so as soon as he sees whats going to happen in Syria because he doesnt want his son to start playing the same games and maybe get killed, he wants him to have one position and be more credible. Jumblat is not stupid and he is not a coward, when Hezb want up to the mountains and got cut in pieces by the druzes in 2008, the problem was that no one would give enough weapons for jumblat to confront hezb weapons. so he found himself alone and of course he could never count on the american. He is not the only traitor but also his big bosses from the west

جنبلاط: إن الذين ليس على صدورهم قميص سوف يحررون العالم, يا دروز سوريا آن الآوان
أدلى رئيس جبهة "النضال الوطني" رئيس الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي النائب وليد جنبلاط بتصريح اليوم قال فيه:
"كم يتشابه القول الشهير والرائع للمثقف الكبير ورئيس تشيكوسلوفاكيا الراحل والكاتب فاكلاف هافل: "قوة الضعفاء" بقول الشهيد كمال جنبلاط : " إن الذين ليس على صدورهم قميص سوف يحررون العالم " ،
فلقد أثبتت كل التجارب التاريخيّة أن حركة الشعوب تتقدم الى الأمام ولا تتراجع الى الخلف ، وأن ما بُني على باطل لا يُكتب له الاستمرار على قاعدة " يمهل ولا يُهمل " .
وأضاف "قوة الضعفاء التي كتب عنها فاكلاف هافل، ذاك الكاتب المسرحي الذي عايش ربيع براغ في العام 1968 عندما قمع الجيش الأحمر محاولات رئيس وزراء تشيكوسلوفاكيا ألكسندر دوبتشيك تطبيق إصلاحات سياسيّة وعاد في مرحلة لاحقة لقيادة "الثورة المخمليّة" في العام 1989 بعد أن أمضى سنوات في السجون كمعتقل سياسي؛ كأنه يكتب عن واقع الحال الراهن".