Mufti Slams Hizbullah Border Tour, Bassil's 'Sectarian Qualification' Law


Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Latif Daryan on Sunday slammed Hizbullah's border tour for journalists and the party's foreign roles as he criticized an electoral law proposed by Free Patriotic Movement chief Jebran Bassil that involves sectarian voting in the first round.

“All disagreements are permissible except over three issues: coexistence, state institutions and tampering with the security of the South. We can bear any burden except the burden of undermining coexistence and what is being said about religious or sectarian qualification violates the constitution and coexistence,” Daryan warned in an address to the nation marking the Isra and Mi'raj Muslim holiday.

Turning to Hizbullah's border tour, the mufti said: “We reached U.N. resolution 1701 after a destructive Israeli war, so why create excuses for the enemy?”

“We do not need bloodshed, displacement and destruction after which we say that we emerged victorious,” Daryan added.

“Since we have defeated the enemies one thousand times, I want us to triumph over ourselves, our ambitions, our greed and our ploys, even for a single time,” the mufti went on to say.

“My brothers, return to the greater jihad, which is the jihad of the soul, after you roamed east and west,” Daryan added, addressing Hizbullah's members without naming them.

On Friday, the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) said contacts were underway with the Lebanese army over the presence of Hizbullah gunmen during the media tour organized Thursday by Hizbullah along the border with Israel.

"As to reports speaking of the presence of armed individuals among the delegation, UNIFIL reminds that this would be a breach of resolution 1701; and as per the resolution, the Lebanese authorities bear the main responsibility to verify the presence of unauthorized armed individuals in the area between the Blue Line and Litani River," a UNIFIL statement read.

Hizbullah, which fought a devastating war with Israel in 2006, on Thursday brought dozens of journalists on a rare and highly-choreographed trip to the demarcation line between Lebanon and Israel.

"This tour is to show the defensive measures that the enemy is taking," said Hizbullah spokesman Mohamed Afif, on a hilltop along the so-called Blue Line.

Thursday's tour sought to paint Israel as afraid of a new conflict, while depicting Hizbullah as ready for war despite having committed thousands of its fighters to bolstering Syria's President Bashar al-Assad.

Journalists were taken from the southern Lebanese town of Naqoura, with Hizbullah fighters in full military regalia stationed along the route alongside the group's yellow flag -- despite a ban by Resolution 1701 on any armed paramilitary presence in southern Lebanon.

Faces smeared with black and green camouflage, the fighters stood silently holding guns and RPG launchers.

"We do not fear war, we don't hesitate to confront it. We yearn for it and we will confront it if it is imposed on us, and God willing we will win," a Hizbullah commander dressed in military fatigues and sunglasses told the reporters, reciting a famous statement for Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

Comments 17
Thumb janoubi 23 April 2017, 14:32

Now he will be branded Salafi Wahabi by the hasaballah trolls.

Thumb Mystic 23 April 2017, 16:06

What does this guy know about jihad?
Why did he send them towards Syria and not Israel?

Thumb flamethrower-_ 23 April 2017, 17:25

lulz @ mowaten the jihadiest most jihadist jihadi in jihadum executing his jihadi duty 24/7 on naharnet when he's not keeping tab on every jihadi in the world, where they go, who sends them and distributes keys to paradise consecrated by the Supreme Ayatollah to the 7alal ones. His stunning ample evidence that Darian is sending Jihadis towards Syria and not Israel will be supplied momentarily.

Thumb 23 April 2017, 18:11

What he says is that the jihad is not an armed struggle but an mental one. But of course Islamist and jihadist organizations hijacked the principles of their religion. See the banners hijacking God's name just like crusaders hijacked the Lord's name and principles a thousand years ago.

Missing peace007 23 April 2017, 17:44

I really don't like this guy but he's right in this case. A war with Israel will be a complete failure and actually serve Israels interests unless the war brings an end to the State of Israel.

Thumb 23 April 2017, 18:12

He's a man of peace like Pape François and the Dalaï Lama. A true man of God.

Thumb ashtah 23 April 2017, 19:35

who do you like peace007? You don't like Rifi, hariri, The Mufti, King Salman, Geagea, Gemayel. You don't like any one who criticizes hezbollah.

Missing peace007 23 April 2017, 20:44

I have no issues with criticizing Hezbollah and don't hesitate to do it myself. What I want is someone to work for the benefit of all Lebanese in all areas regardless of sect and religion. And until we get there we need to refrain from actions and words that could cause conflict.

Thumb EagleDawn 23 April 2017, 23:48

" we need to refrain from actions and words that could cause conflict." and the way to do it the peace007 way is as follows:

peace007 01 April 2017, 18:19
Rifi is a secterian troublemaker.

peace007 Yesterday
The Dr. has no credibility. He's a secterian thug.

Thumb sevilla 24 April 2017, 06:14

lol, the lying hypocrite !

Missing bandit 23 April 2017, 20:32

Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Latif Daryan You are probably the most loyal, patriotic and smartest person in Lebanon. If only the politicians and Lebanese and hizbullah can listen to your wisdom.

Missing peace007 23 April 2017, 21:44

He's a hypocrite. Wouldn't meet with LePen because of her attire but meets Mrs Gaegae who's attire is no different and sees Lebanese women every day wearing less than LePen. That's not how you treat people wanting to visit you.

Thumb barrymore 23 April 2017, 23:41

you mean unlike your iranian foreign minister?

شاهد.. مستشارة الأسد تتحجّب في لقاء مع ظريف بموسكو!شاهد-مستشارة-الأسد-تتحجّب-في-لقاء-مع-ظريف-بموسكو-.html

Missing un520 23 April 2017, 23:53

Well, thats not entirely true is it? A meeting between them was scheduled, but was cancelled when she was asked to put on a veil. This in contrast to her vistit to Egypt, where she met Grand mufti of Egypt's Al-Azhar, one of the world's top Sunni clerics, without wearing a veil.
And yes, I know that most newspapers conveniantly skipped quoting her salute of Lebanon's "moderate" culture, "created by Christians and Muslims."
Im sure that the demonization of her will continue at full force now that she got the most votes in round one of the presidental election.

Thumb Hayek.Feghali.Abdelatif 24 April 2017, 03:49

now that she got the most votes in round one of the presidental election.

of course
- Macron wins (23.5%)
- Le Pen second (21.9%)

Thumb Hayek.Feghali.Abdelatif 24 April 2017, 04:15

She's the hypocrite. It was a stunt on her part she knew what to expect and she still went ahead with the visit to get the full effect. When women come to visit him they put a veil, it his prerogative. They don't have to put a veil when they meet him outside. Deputy Head of the Higher Shiite Islamic Council Sheikh Qabalan has the same policy. Most Hezballah MPs won't even shake the hand of a women, that's their prerogative. The Mufti of Tripoli does not require women to wear a veil when they visit him, that's his prerogative as well. Some people ask you to take your shoes off when you enter their home some don't. It's just a problem with some of the groupies of the French fascist to defend her at all cost.

Missing un520 24 April 2017, 18:35

And it is her prerogative to insist on not having to wear a veil. She did it in Egypt, so its more likely that she thought that it would not be a problem in "liberal Lebanon".
Theres a big difference between taking off your shoes and wearing a veil. The first is for hygiene, and the other is to obey. As a woman born free from religios chain she did the most honerable and honest thing. Her kind words about Lebanon and its citizens, no.comment?