Ethiopian Maid Critically Wounds Pregnant Woman, Kills Unborn Child


An Ethiopian domestic worker on Tuesday stabbed her pregnant 27-year-old employer Isaaf Khashfeh in the Chouf town of Barja, leaving her critically wounded and killing her unborn child.

The maid dealt Isaaf several stabs before stabbing herself and trying to jump off the balcony, the National News Agency said.

At that moment town residents rushed to the house to find the pregnant employer soaked in her own blood, reports said. They eventually captured the wounded maid and handed her over to security forces as Isaaf was rushed to the Sibline Hospital in critical condition.

Reports said the maid had sent an SMS to a relative in Ethiopia informing them of her intentions.

Comments 11
Thumb gigahabib 23 May 2017, 20:44

At least this story will be very hard for the usual lot to make sectarian.

Thumb galaxy 23 May 2017, 21:14

what lowlife scumbag !

Thumb gigahabib 23 May 2017, 21:31

Wow, you managed to make a comment without sectarian slurs! Bravo. Next step in improving your life, kill yourself.

Thumb justin 24 May 2017, 13:54

gigahabib is solution.finder a new poster or one of the 2 or 3 of you?

Thumb liberty 23 May 2017, 22:01


your comment in itself has sectarian undertones not unusual for a smart aleck devil worshiper.

Thumb gigahabib 23 May 2017, 23:09

Lol, please show us what's sectarian in the comment.

Thumb gigahabib 24 May 2017, 12:25

Do you ever tire of spewing nothing but smut every single day?

Thumb Elemental 24 May 2017, 23:14

Movaten fake account @pollster^ you didn't listen like a child with ADHD, man up. Secondly be more creative with your words, how can anyone take someone who does that seriously? You're the king of them, the instigator, and again you don't relate a single thing to the article topic at hand. Little man sitting there thinking he's actually gonna get results. Do you have school tomorrow? It's almost bedtime, or you need time in the corner.

Thumb liberty 23 May 2017, 22:02

A tragedy no matter what for the victim and the victimizer.

Thumb Elemental 24 May 2017, 19:24

Again with the fake accounts and provocations movaten? Man up.

Thumb Elemental 24 May 2017, 22:29

This is more what's in the Lebanese mentality, has nothing to do with the West. This is what they chose and these are the results, don't even think of blaming the West for Lebanon's ignorance, this is what they chose and these are the consequences.