Health Ministry Sends Team to Nursery after Death of 3-Month-Old Boy

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The health ministry sent a team to a nursery in New Jdeideh to unveil the circumstances behind the death of a three-month-old baby boy, Voice of Lebanon radio station (93.3) reported Tuesday.

The National News Agency said Monday that the father of the infant, Fadi Mansour, pressed charges after he was told by the nursery that his son was taken to Arz hospital in Zalka.

The man said he was later surprised to be informed by the hospital that the infant, Charbel, had died.

NNA quoted him as saying that he took the three-month-old to the day care at 7:00 am and when he returned to pick him up at 1:00 pm, the administration informed him about the baby’s transfer to the hospital.

An investigation is underway to find out the circumstances of the infant’s death.

The head of nursery owners syndicate, Charbel Abi Nader, expressed regret at Charbel’s death and extended his condolences to his family.

Abi Nader urged all parties to wait for the results of the investigation and the report of the coroner before taking any stance from the incident.

The coroner’s initial examination said the baby had died of natural causes and there were no signs of violence on his body. Media reports said the final report will be issued after 10 days.

Abi Nader said similar incidents have taken place in some day care centers in Lebanon that had violated legal and administrative rules.

He urged the authorities to force illegal nurseries to obtain the necessary licenses and shut them if they failed to meet the requirements.

Comments 9
Default-user-icon Paul (Guest) 13 December 2011, 10:46

Allah yer hammo. Btw, is it only me who think that babies should be with their parents till they are like one year old? Not least to give the child the emotional basics in life.

Default-user-icon Rami (Guest) 13 December 2011, 13:17

Paul, because our country is managed by corrupt leaders, and the standards of living are climbing day by day with no control, both parents have to work in order to make both ends meet. Very sad.

Thumb geha 13 December 2011, 14:00

May his parents find some tranquility knowing their angel is with God

Default-user-icon zozo (Guest) 13 December 2011, 14:03

Another Sad example of the lack of regulations in Lebanon. Employment by Wasta / Untrained Staff / No Regulations. 7am to 1pm is 6 hours and no one bothered to inform the family. Keep your Children at home where they belong or don't have Children. My coldolences to the Family and RIP little Charbel.

Default-user-icon Pascale (Guest) 13 December 2011, 15:25

No words can relieve parent's sadness.... I have 3 babies... my yongest is 5 mth old.... this is the worst exp parents can go thru... May his soul RIP.. he is an ANGEL....
Both Parents are obliged to work..... and leave their babies in nurseries, with babysitters, at the neighbours' house or even with grandmas... bad accidents can happen anywhere... that's why it's very important to make sure that people taking care of our babies are aware of all the risks and the safety measures and that they are capable of giving all their time to the little ones not leaving them a sec alone even while he's sleeping... the majority of household tasks can be done safely in the presence of the babies, leaving the dangerous ones like cooking, cutting, cleaning while moving furniture... after the baby has left. We should build awareness and stop blaming others for all the bad things.. we are also responsable... Allah ysabbir el ahel w ya3tiyoun el ouwweh!!!

Default-user-icon lebnany (Guest) 13 December 2011, 15:51

What do you exepect in a 4th world country where there is no regulation or law.

Thumb joeleb 13 December 2011, 18:54

(continued) not right....SIDS happens and you can't prevent it! True, some daycare centers in Lebanon are a farm more than a daycare, and it's the duty of the parents to know if the center is decent enough to trust your kids with them, and for the government to regulate them. Let us wait for the result of the autopsy before we start blaming people. I agree that the center should have called the father sooner.
3) Maybe the mother is dead? Maybe she works too! why assume things?

Thumb joeleb 13 December 2011, 18:54

I wish some people make more educated guesses that just think that what their opinion is should be the standard of care.
1) Nowhere in the world does it say that there is a certain age limit for children to go to daycare. If both parents work, the mother and/or father have a leave after the child is born, and they they go back to work. In some countries the maternal leave is up to a maximum of 3 months, after which the mother has to return to work or stay home without pay. What do they do with their kids? take them to daycare! That's why daycare is there! true, earlier than that is not necessarely good but in some cases it the 18 months thing...I don't know where you got that my friend (sweating_demon).
2) Putting the blame on the mother or the daycare is prejudgmental without knowing the cause of death. If the child was sleeping at the daycare or at home and dies of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), no one could have prevented blaming it on the mother is...

Default-user-icon Pascale (Guest) 14 December 2011, 10:11

JOELEB, thank you u are 100% right.. SIDS happen and we can do very little to prevent it.... I believe sweating - demon is not married and doesn't understand the necessity for parents to work... YES, parents and even mothers are OBLIGED to work.. we need money... YES for ex... If i stay home we'll be in need... my husband works but one salary is not enough esp if u have kids... when u'll get married and become a parent u'll understand unless u r born in a very rich family and u don't need to work... nshallah... good for u... w sec The mother of the baby is in deep shock., she had a VERY TRAUMATIC exp and nothing can be mentioned abt her, she also had to work and maybe she doesn't need u to add to her guilt feeling eventhough she had nothing to do with the accdt.. so stop giving judgmts and wait for the medical report.. sometimes babies have natural death: SIDS or other causes and even die in their beds... Also, Worse accidents happen in homes but nobody mention it. MAy his soulRIP