Bassil Urges 'Terror-Free' Camps: Whoever Allowed Terrorism in Past Must Shut Up Today
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Free Patriotic Movement chief Jebran Bassil on Tuesday called for the removal of any “terror hubs” in the country's Palestinian and Syrian refugee camps, as he said that parties that “allowed terrorism in the past must shut up today.”
“We must benefit from the border victory to reject the persistence of terror hubs in (Palestinian) refugee camps and the gatherings of the displaced (Syrians), topped by the challenge of the Ain el-Hilweh camp,” said Bassil after the weekly meeting of the Change and Reform bloc.
He was referring to separate but simultaneous anti-IS assaults by Hizbullah and the Lebanese and Syrian armies on both sides of the border that ended with the surrender and withdrawal of Islamic State terrorists entrenched in the border region.
“The scheme of terrorism in Lebanon has fallen and the displacement and naturalization schemes should fall next,” Bassil added.
Referring to IS' execution of abducted Lebanese troops, Bassil reminded the Lebanese that “the soldiers were martyred due to inaction and negligence over what happened in the year 2014.”
The suspected remains of eight troops were recovered Sunday by Lebanese authorities and the body of a suspected soldier was retrieved on Tuesday. The bodies were located as part of a Hizbullah-led deal with IS. The troops were among around 30 Lebanese servicemen abducted by IS and al-Nusra Front during the 2014 invasion of the border town of Arsal.
“Those who allowed terrorism in the past must shut up today, and let them atone for their sins by contributing to a solution to the refugee crisis,” Bassil went on to say.
“Our stance in Cabinet in 2014 was clear when we rejected an illegal term extension. Do Lebanese realize now why we were calling for the appointment of a new army commander?” Bassil added.
“Let Lebanon get stronger by standing by the strong president and the capable army instead of fabricating stories about allowing the terrorists to flee,” the FPM chief urged.
“Some are trying to give the impression that Daesh (IS) and al-Nusra were created by Hizbullah, but the response is the acknowledgment by top (foreign) officials that some Western and Middle Eastern countries were supporting the extremists,” Bassil added.
The political scene in Lebanon is witnessing major controversy over the latest developments on the eastern border, especially after Hizbullah was accused of facilitating a smooth exit for IS' militants from the border region.
Some parties are decrying that “IS' militants were allowed to escape punishment over the murder of the soldiers,” while others are criticizing certain parties in Tammam Salam's government for “preventing the army from continuing the battle and liberating the troops in 2014.”
Hizbullah, the FPM and some of their allies have criticized Salam's government, al-Mustaqbal Movement and former army chief Jean Qahwaji over the 2014 clashes, accusing them of ordering a premature halt to the fighting that allowed the militants to abduct around 30 Lebanese troops and policemen to the outskirts of the border town of Arsal.

“Let Lebanon get stronger by standing by the strong president and the capable army instead of fabricating stories about allowing the terrorists to flee,” the FPM chief urged.
but the same party ( the FPM ) said yesterday:
جريصاتي من خيمة اهالي العسكريين: الدولة اضاعت حق الشهداء بتأمين مغادرة آمنة للارهابيين

yes justin, yesterday was a different day for the FPM. Today is another story. Now, the lowlife is also blaming general Qahwaji for the death of the soldiers when he himself rejected any negotiations with ISIS in 2014. Yet, negotiations with ISIS and Nusra in 2017 seem to be fashionable.

"Yet, negotiations with ISIS and Nusra in 2017 seem to be fashionable."
lol !

Hezbollah and Aoun refused in 2014 to save the lives of the kidnapped soldiers by entering into negotiations with IS for a prisoners swap. But in 2017 both parties made sure IS was rewarded with a safe and comfortable exit.
من رفض مقايضة العسكريين بإرهابيين تولى هو مهمة ترحيلهم

بالصور: باصات “الإمام المهدي” المكيّفة في خدمة “داعش”
فتبين من خلال الصور أن الباصات “المكيفة” التي أقلّت عناصر “داعش” تابعة لثانوية الامام المهدي – بعلبك.فجر-الجرود/

جريصاتي: الدولة اضاعت حق الشهداء بتأمين مغادرة آمنة للارهابيينجريصاتي-الدولة-اضاعت-حق-الشهداء-بتأمين-مغادرة-آمنة-للارهابيين

Jreisati of the fpm:
وقال: «هناك تقويم عسكري وسياسي يحصل لكلّ ما جرى»، معتبراً أن «الدولة أضاعت حق الشهداء بتأمين مغادرة آمنة للإرهابيين».أهالي-العسكريين-ما-زالوا-يأملون-بالـ--دي-أن-أي-
جريصاتي من خيمة أهالي العسكريين: الدولة أضاعت حق الشهداء

Ladies & Gentlemen: Today you listened to the future president of lebanon. Learn people learn"

"Shame on a nation whose soldiers return in coffins, while the criminals leave in air-conditioned buses".

Bassil Urges 'Terror-Free' Camps: Whoever Allowed Terrorism in Past Must Shut Up Today
Who allowed terrorism in? Ask your hezbollah who? They went to Syria massacred people in their homes, burned their villages and pushed them into Lebanon.
All of these so called isis/nusra were syrians from Qusayr and neighboring villages who were pushed by hezbollah and the syrian regime into lebanon.
filthy liar!

I wonder why aoun/hezbollah did not negotiate with saudi wahabiah in their efforts to get ISIS out of lebanon in air conditioned buses but instead negotiated with the syrian regime.

Bassil trying to divert the attention from the shameful deal and starts talking about the camps. Face it you useless creature what you and your father in law did was an absolute shame!

“Our stance in Cabinet in 2014 was clear when we rejected an illegal term extension. Do Lebanese realize now why we were calling for the appointment of a new army commander?” Bassil added.
Ah, so you were against extension of Kahwaji's term because he refused to attack IS?
What a load of BS! Typical of the conniving FPM.

Ask your 3ammo who paralyzed the whole country during 2 1/2 years.

it was michel aoun who authorized the humiliating deal
عشية الموعد المقرر لقيام الجيش بتنفيذ المرحلة الرابعة من “فجر الجرود” والتي كان مقررا لها اقتلاع الدواعش من آخر معاقلهم، حصل إتصال بين رئيس الجمهورية ميشال عون والأمين العام لـ”حزب الله” السيد حسن نصرالله ، جرى خلاله البحث في معارضة البعض للتواصل بين الدولتين اللبنانية والسورية لتأمين إنسحاب المسلحين من الجرود، والإتفاق على إيجاد المخرج الملائم، واتفق على ان يتولى “حزب الله” هذه المهمة.
وتقول المصادر المتابعة لـ”الأنباء”، ان الرئيس عون اتصل برئيس الحكومة سعد الحريري ، وحثه على ترك هذه المسألة للحزب، وعلى الأثر كان قرار قيادة الجيش بوقف إطلاق النار!

Sure what Bassij is saying makes perfect sense! It is those in the past who today ordered the army to stop its offensive against the terrorists after pinning them down in a small area, and delegated the negotiations for the release of army soldiers to another terrorist organization (hezbollah), and made sure nobody surrenders except to hezbollah, and on top of that ordered air conditioned buses to take the IS terrorists to a destination of their choice under security escort from hezbollah.
We all get it Bassij, we do.

بو عاصي: من كلّف “حزب الله” بالتفاوض؟ وكيف انسحب الإرهابيون إلى داخل سوريا؟
lol:) Here you have the deputy prime minister asking who authorized hezbollah to negotiate:) Does that tell you how much these losers are actually in charge of their own destiny or do they actually know who runs the country?
It is your job to tell us who, loser!

The FPM is trying to hide their treason by accusing Kahwaji. They left the country without a president for 2 1/2 years. They created chaos and destroyed the institutions to the benefit of Ebola.

when will this scum ever own up and take responsibility?!
Is it the 'Past' that appointed your father in law president?
Is it the 'Past' that appointed the army commander who is also a 'Aouni'?
Is it the 'Past' that delegated the negotiations to your terrorist ally?
Is it the 'Past' that offered isis air conditioned buses?
We all know you owe it to hezbollah for making you a glorified nobody but you do not have to be a traitor so blatantly.