Report: U.S. to Halt Support for Army over Hizbullah-Led Border Deal
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
The U.S. administration has been dismayed by Lebanon's “submission to an agreement led by the Syrian regime and Hizbullah” that led to the evacuation of Islamic State militants from the eastern border region, and has accordingly decided to halt its military support for Lebanon, a media report said on Wednesday.
Washington has decided to “cease military support to Lebanon and retrieve around 50 modern tanks that it had convinced Riyadh to pay for and supply to the Lebanese army to support it in its battle against terrorism,” An Nahar newspaper said.
“These tanks deployed in several posts and took part strongly and effectively along with other weapons in the army's battle in the outskirts of al-Qaa and Ras Baalbek,” the daily added.
The army had launched an unprecedented military offensive to oust IS militants from the eastern border region on August 19. Separately but simultaneously, Hizbullah and the Syrian army began an assault to remove IS from the Syrian side of the border.
Simultaneous ceasefires were announced on both sides of the border on Sunday morning to allow for negotiations over the fate of nine Lebanese troops abducted by IS militants in 2014.
The Lebanese army has insisted that it has not coordinated any move with Hizbullah or the Syrian army.
The Hizbullah-led agreement resulted in the recovery of nine bodies likely belonging to the captive troops, the evacuation of hundreds of IS militants and their families from the Lebanese-Syrian border to eastern Syria, and the handover of a Hizbullah captive and several corpses to the Iran-backed group.
President Michel Aoun and Army Commander General Joseph Aoun declared victory over IS on Wednesday morning, two days after Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah described the removal of IS' militants as Lebanon's "Second Liberation Day."

So, Hizballah and Iran will assist the Lebanese State even more. Very much doubt it. Next step will be the Islamic Republic of Lebanon ( or will it be Western Iran).

As if the LAF needs more broken down Cessna planes.
It's about time that Lebanon turns to new suppliers.
The West only blackmails.

As if the LAF needs more broken down Cessna planes.
It's about time that Lebanon turns to new suppliers.
The West only blackmails.

Anyone with half a brain can realize that Hizbollah since 2000 never worked for Lebanese interests or the interests of the Shia community. They are a militia created, funded and indoctrinated by Iran’s radicals and therefore foreign agents. They are the reason our army have not received the arms it needs from many donor nations. They have destroyed Lebanon’s economy, caused the exodus of all foreign corporations that had always preferred Lebanon for their regional headquarter by their hatred of the West, they have instituted the largest network of drug dealers and money laundering, and worst of all, their values are 100% opposite to the secular, democratic, open and western-oriented values that characterized Lebanon. While majority of Iran population wanted the freedom and openness of Lebanese Shia, Hizb transformed Lebanon into another North-Korean style pariah nation, an indoctrinated generation of brain-washed kids reared on hatred and blind obedience

Yet it was the Resistance that protected Lebanon and beat back the Israeli enemy in year 2006 whilst the western Israeli inspired March 14 alliance wanted to surrender Lebanon to the zionists.

50 دبابة اميركية حديثة تُسحب من لبنان وتُسلّم إلى السعودية أو تعود إلى مصدرها في واشنطن
تفيد المعطيات المتوافرة من المصدر نفسه أن القيادة السعودية المعنية بالموافقة على طلب الولايات المتحدة تمويل شراء الدبابات والأسلحة للبنان أو رفضه، أبدت تحفظاً في البدء وعرضت أسبابها. في الطليعة، العلاقة الوثيقة بين “حزب الله” الذي تعتبره المملكة فصيلاً إيرانياً، وبين مواقع القرار في لبنان. ولدى المملكة معلومات وافرة عن العمق الذي بلغته هذه العلاقة في بعض المواضع الحساسة في الدولة .
إلا أن إلحاحاً أميركياً حمل أهل القرار السعوديين على تغيير موقفهم والتجاوب مع طلب التمويل، خصوصاً أن الإلحاح رافقته توضيحات تفيد بأهمية الرهان على تسليح القوات الشرعية في لبنان وتقويتها، لدحض مقولة ضعف جهاز الدولة العسكري، في مقابل قوة سلاح “حزب الله” وضرورة الاستعانة به لحماية الحدود وأمن اللبنانيين واستقرارهم.

We have different opinions on what Lebanese interests are.
Your interest is being the Americans errand boys making Lebanon a western puppet.

So according to the heretics of hezbollah, 'Saudi Wahabiah' arms and finances ISIS but pays for 50 modern tanks and advanced weapons and gets them shipped to the Lebanese Army to fight and finish off ISIS at the border. The Lebanese Army and hezbollah ( which are one and the same according to the same heretics) make sure isis is given a safe ride in air conditioned buses out of lebanon.

After the army's great success, now the whole world looks down on them for obeying the filthy murdering militia. What a disaster for Lebanon. Now they will sell us to Syria

Iran Out to Remake Mideast With Arab Enforcer: Hezbollah
Hezbollah is not just a power unto itself, but is one of the most important instruments in the drive for regional supremacy by its sponsor: Iran.

The kidnapped soldiers were executed within the first 3 months of their kidnappings once the Lebanese government informed IS through mediators it is not willing to exchange the soldiers for IS prisoners held in Lebanese Jails. Both Army Intelligence and Abbas Ibrahim knew the soldiers were executed and had pictures of their dead bodies as early as 2015.
ابراهيم للـ"lBCI":
لدينا مصادر منذ 2015 زودتنا بصور لجثامين العسكريين وهذه المعلومة أقولها للمرة الأولى.۔
In other words, this whole lie about the military offensive being to reveal the fate of the kidnapped soldiers is now out in the open and makes the IS exit deal even more shameful.