Ghalioun: Relations with Iran, Hizbullah after Fall of Regime Will Not be Strategic

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Head of the opposition Syrian National Council (SNC) Burhan Ghalioun denied on Monday that the collapse of Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime will not lead to the deterioration of relations with Iran and Hizbullah.

“The relations with Iran and Hizbullah after the toppling of Assad will be normal and not strategic as they are right now,” Ghalioun told the pan-Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat.

He stressed that no one can demand “special ties” with the Syrian opposition unless they believe in the importance of “the Syrian people’s freedom.”

Asked about Friday’s two deadly bombings against Syrian security forces in Damascus, which killed 44 people and wounded another 166, Ghalioun said: “The bombings have the signs of the Syrian intelligence, but this will not stop the Syrian people from going ahead with their revolution to topple the regime.”

He told the daily that the Syrian authorities are seeking to manipulate the Arab observer mission.

“The Syrian people are determined to topple the regime at all costs… We want to stop its blackmail and the Arab league should head to the United Nations Security Council,” he stated.

Comments 12
Default-user-icon Le phénicien (Guest) 26 December 2011, 09:25

I wonder who is going to fall , the Syrian régime or you Mr Ghalioun .

Thumb shab 26 December 2011, 11:13

I second that muwaten, but would go a step further and say that the new Syrian government has to prove themselves and go and extra step to restore relations.

Default-user-icon Le phénicien (Guest) 26 December 2011, 16:31

God bless the magnificent Syrian president Bashar Assad he will deal with the Sunni térrorists in Syria like his father dealt with the Christian térrorists in Lebanon , bomb them to hell . The lion can be proud of his cub .

Thumb jabalamel 26 December 2011, 17:28

the syrian section of mossad is already preparing everything for after assad.

they prepare themselves to give up on golan, so sell syrian gas to zionist entity for extremly low price and so on.

keep on dreaming, you and your mossad masters. you will never get what you want.

Default-user-icon John from Koura (Guest) 26 December 2011, 18:15

You are pandering for Gulf money and support, at the same time you are losing the support of the Syrian people. The overwhelming majority of Syrians support the resistance and oppose the puppet Gulf dictators.

Missing peace 26 December 2011, 18:56

oh by the way jabalcamel: "they prepare themselves to give up on golan"

what did your syrian friends do to liberate golan since assad is in power? hahaha!
don t forget he made a deal: don t ever try to take back golan and we will let you rule syria...

Missing peace 26 December 2011, 20:56

@mfawaz our other great analyst..."american and isreali opertives dont succeede in this area."

yes they do: they let the syrian regime in place for more than 30 years and still are backing it!!!!

Missing rognation 26 December 2011, 23:43

To all that support HizbAllah and the syrian regime, I truly find you people to be very weird..
you guys should reread your comments, and try to ponder what you're saying !!

Default-user-icon Rob (Guest) 27 December 2011, 00:49

who is this guy anyway? Is he known in Syria? Last I heard there is no media communication in Syria. So is this guy actually just balanced to the media or is he a somebody? Funny how he speaks... as if he is to rule. Well maybe another Hamid Karzai is coming, or this guy the US sent to Irak, etc...

Thumb jabalamel 27 December 2011, 15:02

the filthy zionist information war department has reacted on my posts.
this is one more evidence that i struck the target on the matter

Missing th21 27 December 2011, 16:54

Jabal Amel I havent visited this site for months now, and I come back to see you spewing the same sentence over and over again.

" the filthy zionist information war department"

This doesnt prove anything other than that you are a parrot who repeats the same words over and over again.

and for God's sake, change your profile picture and remove Mr Hassan's picture from your bedroom.

Default-user-icon benateed (Guest) 27 December 2011, 18:14

Dear Jabal Amel:
You really know how to hurt a guy's feelings. The truth is that here is only one "entity" that always works in Israel's interests .... that is the nature of Arab political culture; total disunity, and endlessly blaming everyone else for it's self-inflicted wounds.
Yours truly,
the filthy zionist information war department