Ferzli: Presidential Term Has Started, Let Geagea Prepare Himself for Opposition

Elected MP and ex-deputy speaker Elie al-Ferzli announced that the new presidential term "has started now," as he suggested that Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea should be part of the opposition.
"The presidential term has started now and it will take its momentum from the representation that was corrected in these elections via the proportional representation law, through which Christians have managed to elect 57 MPs with their own votes," Ferzli, who is close to President Michel Aoun and the Free Patriotic Movement, said.
"If LF leader Samir Geagea does not agree with (Prime Minister Saad) Hariri should the latter be tasked with forming the government, let him prepare himself for opposition, because parliamentary democracy requires an opposition," Ferzli added during a TV interview.
The LF has opposed several projects proposed by FPM ministers in Cabinet, which has strained its relation with Aoun and the FPM and put the landmark Maarab Agreement in jeopardy.
The latest elections saw the LF enlarge its parliamentary bloc from 10 to 16 seats, which heightens the probability of bickering with the FPM over ministerial portfolios allocated to Christians.

A known syrian sellout/traitor : "Ferzli, who is close to President Michel Aoun and the Free Patriotic Movement"

the FPM other allies: Arslan, SSNP, Ahbash, Jamaah Islamiyah, and several Syrian-Iranian agents.

So is al-Ferzli the new mouthpiece for Bash.. I mean, the Tayyar*? Why? Wasn't Jreissati Syrian enough?
*(Freudian slip and an honest mistake. Bashar-Tayyar, they rhyme, and they both do not consider that the Syrian presence in Lebanon was an occupation - Thank you Newly elected Tayyar MP Abou Saab).