Alloush Accuses Assad Supporters of Opening Fire on his House
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Former MP Mustafa Alloush accused supporters of Syrian President Bashar Assad of opening fire on his house in the northern city of Tripoli at dawn Saturday.
In remarks to Voice of Lebanon radio station (93.3), Alloush said that a group of armed men began cursing outside his home and shouting pro-Assad slogans around 1:00 am.
They then opened fire at the house, the Mustaqbal movement official said, stressing that he wasn’t there when the incident took place.
“The shabeeha (armed thugs) in Lebanon want to say that those who support the Syrian people will be shut up,” Alloush said.
The incident happened after tents were erected in Tripoli to gather financial and blood donations to the Syrian refugees and injured in Lebanon.
Thousands of refugees have fled to Lebanon as the state cracks down on a popular revolt against the Assad regime, now in its tenth month.

Time and Time again history repeats itself against the outspoken politician heroes. Ghazzi Kna3an dead in his office after VDL interview, Chidiac was almost done, Murr was almost gone, Harriri/Kassir/Tueni/Gemayel/Hawi/Mufti/Mouawad, amazing that every anti-shabiha gets assisinated and killed? If You blamed all of them on the Mossad then you are the only Mossad of history.

who are you anyway?
naharnet why are you giving space to creatures like these?

I agree with my hero and I repeat " who are you anyway? naharnet why are you giving space to creatures like these?"

Old tricks that became the only means for those who want Lebanon to fall to intimidate those who oppose them.

It was no one associated with the Hezz. Do not even say it or Qassem will sue you. Nassy will come up with a video and prove it was Israel and let Mouallem show it. Then ASSad will do an interview saying he doesn't know anything.

Kill,end the life
The dead cannot walk ,cannot talk
They believe ,this the track and the way they have to work on.
They will never succeed.

the series of killing M14 seems to take off once more.
it looks like this new year is going to bring new killings by the syro/iranians and executed by hizbushaitan and the kaoumiyeh shabihahs.
hizbushaitan are so desperate these days and they think this is the only way they can control the country, but they are in for major surprise... :)

the filthy zionist information war department believe that i use same stupid trick as them: writing under multiple nicknames.