Hariri: Attempts to Stir Conflict between Sunnis, Army are Futile

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Former premier Saad Hariri on Wednesday stressed that any attempts to stir up a confrontation between the army and the Sunni residents of border regions would be “unsuccessful like those behind them.”

Answering another question on Twitter on whether he believed that removing weapons from Palestinian camps and those of the “terrorist Salafist groups” had priority over removing Hizbullah’s arms, Hariri said: “All at once; any (illegal) weapons in the country are harmful. Only the state should possess weapons.”

Asked to comment about a media report claiming that 35 percent of the staff at Mustaqbal Movement-affiliated institutes had been laid off, Hariri said: “You want me to comment on such spite!”

Separately, Hariri lauded the role of Saudi Arabia, saying it “has always stood by Lebanon.”

Comments 20
Missing peace 04 January 2012, 21:21

“All at once; any (illegal) weapons in the country are harmful. Only the state should possess weapons.”

exactly! if lebanon wants to have a strong state only the state should posses arms and no other and esp not a party which dictates its law brandishing to use them against lebanese....

Missing allouchi 04 January 2012, 22:42

May Allah protect you Sheikh Saad and the true patriotic Lebanese.

Missing peace 05 January 2012, 00:45

@ sweating thing : LOL!

Thumb jabalamel 05 January 2012, 00:47

it is true that "attempts to stir conflict between sunnis and the army are futile".

however, there's no need to stir conflict between fanatic wahabis, salafis and similar garbage with army. that conflict exists and will end by cleaning the garbage.

the zionist information war department had manic halucination under the nickname "freedom".

Missing peace 05 January 2012, 00:57

jabalahbal the sunnis are the most peaceful community in lebanon compared to others if you take time and intelligence to observe a little bit your country and its history....

Default-user-icon ReaLeb (Guest) 05 January 2012, 00:59

Jabal 3ameel, where did you come up with "zionist information war department?" That's pretty good. Keep up the great work you are doing for your masters.

Thumb jabalamel 05 January 2012, 01:03

the zionist information war department is trying to convince me that i don't know my country and history.

and they do that by telling sectarian lies.

Missing peace 05 January 2012, 01:07

i see that truth hurts jabalahbal as he answered quickly to my last post, showing how enrage he is to be faced with truth...
lots of love my preferred chiwawa on this site!

Thumb jabalamel 05 January 2012, 01:13

the filthy zionist information war department is halucinating about representing the truth

Missing peace 05 January 2012, 01:19

jabalahbal at least you have a gift: the gift of being stupid !
no credibility whatsoever because you don t have the intelligence to discuss, just throwing your slogans and thinking you are intelligent!
you are honouring your amal party by such stupidity! you confirm exactly the level of intelligence of the ones you admire!

my preferred chiwawa!

i m honouring you by calling you this way because chiwawas are far more smarter than you!

Thumb jabalamel 05 January 2012, 02:04

the filthy zionist information war department wanted to say something but no one cares

Thumb jabalamel 05 January 2012, 02:06

the filthy zionist information has a night shift under the nickname "peace" with special task to counter me on any occasion.

Thumb www.jabalamel.fanclub.com 05 January 2012, 05:40

the filthy zionist information press department pays people overtime under many nicknames with special task to counter our glorious resistance and our patriots.

Thumb www.jabalamel.fanclub.com 05 January 2012, 05:46

the filthy zionist information chemical war department tries to say many things but no one cares

Thumb www.jabalamel.fanclub.com 05 January 2012, 05:46

the filthy zionist information war department, losing motivation and inspiration, started to quote on star wars movies, like they understand the meaning of those statements.

Thumb arzz 05 January 2012, 05:56

Saad, Your father (allah yer7amou) died for Lebanon. I for one am happy that het the syrians out of Lebanon.

Now please Saad, Don't kill Lebanon for your father. Lebanon should mean more to you then Saudi.

Thumb arzz 05 January 2012, 05:58

Saad, This is the wrong time to choose the confrontation path. Make peace and not confrontation. You and Lebanon will gain more that way and more down the road.

Default-user-icon Esplanado (Guest) 05 January 2012, 15:22

Cheikh Imbecile contradicts himself. Why? What did I call him? I rest my case.

Missing peace 05 January 2012, 19:02

jabalahbal : LOL... my preferred chiwawa!

Default-user-icon Zincoshine (Guest) 05 January 2012, 20:35

Jabalamal is not a shiia, he is not even lebanese. He is obviously an american internet troll. He is probably from 4chan too.

Stop feeding him and ignore him, he feeds on your replies.