Report: Lebanese Authorities Questioned Brothers of 4 Hariri Murder Suspects
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
The brothers of four Hizbullah members indicted in ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s assassination have informed Lebanese authorities that they don’t know the whereabouts of the suspects, pan-Arab daily al-Hayat reported on Sunday.
The newspaper said the involved Lebanese judicial and security institutions questioned in vain the brothers of Salim Ayyash, Mustafa Badreddine, Hussein Oneissi and Assad Sabra.
They informed the authorities that they don’t know the whereabouts of the four Hizbullah members and have no contact with them, al-Hayat added.
The Special Tribunal for Lebanon sent arrest warrants for the four men to Lebanese authorities on June 30, and Interpol issued a "red notice" in July.
So far however, Beirut has failed to arrest them.
Al-Hayat said that a personality from southern Lebanon known for his ties with Hizbullah was also questioned by members of STL Prosecutor’s office in Lebanon.
Created in 2007 through a U.N. Security Council resolution on Lebanon's request, the STL opened its doors in 2009.
It is the first international tribunal which can hold trials in absentia.

what a farce..... they questioned their brothers? LOL..... yeah, they are going to tell you where they are!!! These shia thugs are hiding in Qom.

The real killers, whoever they may be, deserve the highest medals of honor by all decent Lebanese for ridding Lebanon of two filths: Mafioso Rafic Syria and the Syrian Occupation that Mafioso Rafic Syria collaborated with to the maximum at the expense of all decent Lebanese. May Rafic Syria's soul rot in hell.

Freeze the four assets, houses, lands and properties will be taken and frozen until they show up. They better not hide where Mughnieh was hiding and then the Shabiha got money from the US-Israel to liquidate him since his role is over and he screwed up planning Harriri assassination with Ghazi Kan3an.

Glory to those who terminated the piece of filth Rafic Syria, regardless of who they are.

the filthy zionist information war department (shab) has just confessed that their criminal mossad killed harriri

The member of the bee2a al hadinat for the Zionist spies jabalamel just confirmed that his saints are criminal mossad agent living in Israel

the filthy zionist information war department is halucinating about me being their spy. that just shows how dis-organized is mossad.

jabalamel denies he is a Zionist spy but does not deny his four saints the fact are criminal mossad agent living in Israel thus reconfirming it thank you Mr jabalamel for your priceless imput.

Brief search of jabalamel on
1) "Your search has yielded no "results". Sorry, we don't keep records on scum."