Al-Merehbi to Naharnet: Army Arrested Syrians after Seeking Medical Care in North

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The Lebanese army intelligence has arrested a group of Syrian and Lebanese men at a checkpoint that lies between Akkar and Hermel, MP Moeen al-Merehbi told Naharnet on Wednesday.

The Akkar lawmaker said the arrest was made at al-Rouwayma checkpoint on Tuesday as the men were heading to Syria through the eastern border town of Arsal following their hospitalization in northern Lebanon.

Only one of the Syrians, a student, was referred to the General Security Department, the Mustaqbal MP told Naharnet.

“This is unacceptable and I don’t know if there has been coordination between the army intelligence and the (Syrian) regime to obstruct their return to Syria,” al-Merehbi said.

Naharnet received information that the group included five Syrians. Sources told the website that two of them – Ziad Mustafa and Bilal Amer - had sought medical care in Abi Samra hospital in the northern city of Tripoli.

The sources identified the other Syrians as Seif Amer Daoud, Omar Qimi and Ahmed Omar al-Amr.

They said the army intelligence also arrested a Lebanese man named Mohammed Ali Khaled, who was driving the vehicle taking them to Syria, and his brother, a soldier.

Injured Syrian refugees have regularly crossed into Lebanon in recent weeks to seek medical care.

In November, the Syrian army planted landmines along parts of the country’s border with Lebanon in a bid to curb arms smuggling and hampering army defectors and refugees from fleeing.

Comments 14
Default-user-icon sam (Guest) 11 January 2012, 13:20

Do Not Worry Our Army Is Belong Finally To Lebanon And Cares Of Lebanese People

Default-user-icon axan (Guest) 11 January 2012, 15:26

Very nice! Now somebody tell me how to trust Leb Army from now on? This kind of behavior must have a sequel: rebell! Civil disobedience!Intifaa!

Missing allouchi 11 January 2012, 16:43

MarTadella, What kind of logic is that? leave your country if one doesn't trust the Lebanese Army and you don't need to understand!!! what's wrong with you? that's sooo stupid and cowardly. The army should and must be transparent and must be independent from political bias. The army is big time suspect of siding with Syria and Hizballa. it's the government duty to assure the Lebanese people that our army is truly Lebanese and not Syrian or Iranian..go finish your sandwich...

Default-user-icon Shi Shaghleh (Guest) 11 January 2012, 16:55

For the ones blaming the army for doing this, could you please tell us if you know the reason behind the arrest? If you don't, then based on what are you jumping to conclusions? Based on ignorance?

Thumb jabalamel 11 January 2012, 17:03

the filthy zionist information war department and local traitors are angry because our glorious army is arresting mossad spies and syrian traitors.

nothing seems to be working in a way that filthy zionist information war department would like.

Missing allouchi 11 January 2012, 20:02

Ya shi, it is based on previous acts and facts of the Army and especially the military intelligence branch, and the way the army acted when Hizballa and its thugs invaded Beirut; They turned a blind eye and refused to protect the innocent civilians, members of parliament, TV stations etc...Unfortunately, again and again the military keeps in failing us.

Thumb shab 11 January 2012, 20:05

They never arrest the Iranian spies

Missing marie 11 January 2012, 20:20

great job guys, yeah go for the innocent guys! what a shameful army this is, a puppet of hassouni and asaad...great warriors indeed good at killing innocent people.

Thumb jabalamel 11 January 2012, 22:11

the filthy zionist information war department see iranian spies in lebanon.
we can see how blind is mossad in lebanon when they say such stupidities.

also, they complain about our glorious resistance and glorious army working together.

Thumb jabalamel 12 January 2012, 01:10

the filthy zionist information war department is projecting situation in occupied palestine where everybody who doesn't agree with their leader's "logic" must leave the country.

Default-user-icon blekh (Guest) 12 January 2012, 06:22

hahahaha just for the info I'm not m8 or m14 so no one takes me for any side...but MarTadella i dunno how to start to friend any organisation which has no judicial control or an authority to oversee its control, then there is no the old maxim goes 'who guards the guardians?'...just read a bit of psychology, law, sociology etc...n don't worry many m14 peeps just do silly comments like u did except in favour of a different grp :)

Default-user-icon Jamal (Guest) 12 January 2012, 14:13

Mr Jabal'Amîl, the filthy zionist information war department is too busy saving its endangered frightened Qardaha's monkey to pay attention to palestine or iranian spies or iranian spices. As for MarTadella, it never goes without cornichon. We all see Lebanese army serving Qardaha's monkey and Dahieh's poodle much more than Lebanon and Lebanese. Coz Qahwaji is haunted by Lahoud's and Sleiman's same old rotten dreams. Got is?

Default-user-icon blekh (Guest) 12 January 2012, 16:39

"you don't need to understand everything that protects you" thats quite some dictatorship rehotirc, stupid marTadella

Default-user-icon John from Koura (Guest) 12 January 2012, 18:05

M14 leaders never spoke out when 700 Syrian workers were killed (or missing) and no one was ever arrested in Lebanon between 2005 and 2011 when Seniora and Hariri were PM's and Anti-Syrian racism in Lebanon by M14 leaders was rampant. Now they are concerned about the Syrians in Lebanon. This is a new low for M14 leaders.