Nasrallah Snaps Back at Ban, Says Hizbullah Will Grow Stronger

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah stressed on Saturday that United Nations chief Ban Ki-moon’s concern about his party’s arms gives him comfort and happiness, vowing that the party will grow stronger.

“I felt happy when I heard that he (Ban) said he was concerned about our military power,” Nasrallah said in a televised speech during the commemoration of the Arbaeen in Baalbek.

He said that "this concern reassures and pleases us… We do not care if the United States and Israel are concerned."

Ban told a press conference following talks with Lebanese leaders on Friday that he was "deeply concerned" about the military prowess of Hizbullah.

The U.N. chief is on a three-day visit to Lebanon.

However, Nasrallah vowed that his party will not give up its weapons, stressing that the “resistance, army and the people are the only guarantee” to safeguard Lebanon.

"We confirm that our choice is the path of resistance and the arms of the resistance," he told a crowd of cheering supporters via video link.

"The resistance is here to stay. Its power, its readiness, will continue to grow."

He accused the March 14-led opposition, without naming it, of wanting to disarm his party by using the national dialogue as an alibi. “But they won’t be able to achieve this objective,” he stressed.

Nasrallah said that he supports the resumption of the national dialogue at Baabda palace to set a defense strategy.

Concerning the security situation, Hizbullah’s leader said that the party is keen to preserve the “civil peace and stability” in Lebanon

Nasrallah stressed that any “political dispute” shouldn’t affect the civil peace, urging the security forces to take charge of the security situation.

He voiced support to the cabinet urging Prime Minister Najib Miqati and the ministers to give priority to social issues and people’s living conditions.

On the controversial wage boost dispute, Nasrallah stressed the cabinet should resolve this “critical issue”.

The dispute between the involved parties, the Economic Committees, the General Labor Confederation, the Syndicate Coordination Committee and Labor Minister Charbel Nahhas mainly focuses on whether the new wage hike would include the transportation allowance.

Nasrallah said that Lebanon should disavow itself from developments in Syria as the crisis will have negative repercussions on the situation locally.

“We call on the Syrian opposition to abide by (Syrian President Bashar) Assad’s demands to engage in dialogue and cooperate with him to introduce reform that would resolve the country’s problems.”

Nasrallah tackled the death of Iranian nuclear scientist Mostafa Ahmedi Roshan, saying that Tahran will not stop its nuclear program and attempt to develop nuclear technology.

Ahmedi Roshan and his driver were killed on Wednesday when two men on a motorbike slapped a magnetic bomb on his car.

Hizbullah’s chief voiced his support to attempts to unveil the fate of Imam Moussa al-Sadr and his two companions, praising the cooperation of the Libyan authorities.

The head of Libya’s National Transitional Council Mustapha Abdul Jalil stated on Friday after holding talks in Libya with Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour that missing persons will be found throughout Libya, adding that so far missing Imam Moussa al-Sadr’s fate remains unknown.

Al-Sadr and his two companions disappeared in Libya in 1978 after visiting late rule Moammar Gadhafi.

Comments 41
Default-user-icon mfawaz (Guest) 14 January 2012, 15:17

“resistance, army and the people are the only guarantee” take that Raii!

Default-user-icon mfawaz (Guest) 14 January 2012, 15:18

“resistance, army and the people are the only guarantee” take that Raii!

Thumb Chupachups 14 January 2012, 15:19

I have to admit I love the way nasrallah mocks Mr Ban of the UN... it cracks me up

Default-user-icon Jose Farhat from Brazil (Guest) 14 January 2012, 15:31

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah is correct, only the union between the Resistence (with all the parties within it), the Lebanese Army, and the Lebanese people may safeguard Lebanon safeguard. The United Nations can not, and it proved to be an instrumento of the United States in many issues, and this corresponds to encourage Israel to once again attack us.

Default-user-icon hallucinations (Guest) 14 January 2012, 15:33

reminds me of jabal amel hallucinaions.... what a bunch of crock

Default-user-icon Jose Farhat from Brazil (Guest) 14 January 2012, 15:38

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah is correct. Only the strong union between the Lebanese Resistence (with all its parties), the Lebanese Army, and the Lebanese People are guarantee to Lebanon's safeguard. The |UNited States and the United Nations (when acting according to USA's instructions) are Lebanon's enemies, they are at the service of Israel. Without the Resistence, the Army and the People, Lebanon will be invaded again by Israel.

Default-user-icon Someone (Guest) 14 January 2012, 15:38

As usual, he is correct. The American empire is crumbling; good riddance!

Missing youssefhaddad 14 January 2012, 15:53

" mawaakeb al 2a7zaan " , "Convoys of sorrows" says the banner behind him. Do these people do anything besides mourning and remembering their sorrows about a history long gone while their future is slipping away?

Thumb EagleDawn 14 January 2012, 15:59

Nasrallah stressed that any “political dispute” shouldn’t affect the civil peace, urging the security forces to take charge of the security situation.

gotta laugh at this one, a nassrallah classic! When you had political disputes with the then ruling government over the airport security chief and your illegal telecommunication network, did you affect "civil" piece? You are amazing...... no further comments.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 14 January 2012, 16:29

facts: hizballah now after the depression in syria is not the same as b4..the time of may 7 and the airport invasions is gone and hassoun knows it....he is trying voluminising the shia sect the most he can b4 the catastrophic deflation.
he is like a bank account now, the more u withdraw the more u empty it.
the garbage of salafi.. wahaby.. farsi.. faqihi, has no place in lebanon. PERIOD.

Default-user-icon Jose Farhat from Brazil (Guest) 14 January 2012, 17:53

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah is correct. Only the strong union between the Lebanese Resistance (with all its parties), the Lebanese Army, and the Lebanese People are guarantee to Lebanon's safeguard. The United States and the United Nations (when acting according to USA's instructions) are Lebanon's enemies; they are at the service of Israel. Without the Resistance, the Army and the People, Lebanon will be invaded again by Israel.

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 14 January 2012, 18:04

Let's see how you bark when ASSad is gone. Look how the people love can't even get out of your rat hole and walk the streets like the normal politicians.

Pay your electric bill. We are growing poor from supporting your beggar m'tweili community. We hate you.

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (Guest) 14 January 2012, 18:30

Impeach this warlord for his continued illegal activity and connection to external foreign orders on the Lebanese soil without formal document from the state to act on behalf of the Leb state to resist the so called Israel.

Default-user-icon grigori (Guest) 14 January 2012, 18:34

It seems like such a terrible shame that innocent civilians have to get hurt in wars, otherwise combat would be such a wonderfully healthy way to rid the human race of unneeded trash.

Missing peace 14 January 2012, 18:50

i thought M8 said not to meddle in syrian affairs while he gave lots of advice to the syrians! but never pitied people killed...
the way iranman shouted screamed and yelled proves how afraid he is: the best defence is attack!
otherwise same threats same BS....

Default-user-icon Anonymous TX USA (Guest) 14 January 2012, 19:13

This just in
Hariri announced the creation of a Sunni armed resistance against Israel with Saudi funding
Geagea also announced the creation of a Christian armed resistance against Israel with European funding
And Jumblat announced of a Druzed armed resistance against Israel with Chinese finding
Each one said that they won't be under Lebanese authority - they will follow their backer's agenda - they will not consult with anyone for any of their operation - they require corridors that will link their strongholds to the South so they can access the border with Israel and they will install their own private. Communication networks.
They promise to keep the civil peace - but will not hesitate to assasinate anyone who might be conspiring against their arms - and will use their arms internally if someone threatened their armed resistance
How about that scenario - because that's going to be the result of the Hizb's stubbornness until Syrian regime changes

Missing hmorsel 14 January 2012, 19:32

i know we all hate to admit it but this ahole is never going to give up his weapons, maybe when Iran and syria are no longer around then it wil be our turn for civil war and get our country back, but again like always libnan will be the last arab country to get its independance and peace. things will never change for us

Missing castro 14 January 2012, 20:14

Tick... tack... tick... tack...

Thumb Abubakr 14 January 2012, 20:23

Hezb is on a suicide mission its official, they refused to meet Ban, for the 1st time i see hezb not accepting negotiations isolating themselves, there is no more logic in there action, no religious self conscious person would ever support that crap they sell, theyre on the road to hell

Default-user-icon Fuad (Guest) 14 January 2012, 20:30

the arab spring will soon take Hezoballahs weapons away and they will also hold the Lebanese forces and other christian parties accountable for the future to come. The future is for the protesters and you Nasrallah, Geagea, Aoun, Hariris, Miqati, Frangieh, Jumblat are all going to be following what they tell you to do.

Default-user-icon marie (Guest) 14 January 2012, 20:44

what a fart ....he is a dead man can see the fear in his voice

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 14 January 2012, 20:48

You are screwed Nassy boy. Stop urging the opposition to talk to ASSad. They will not. The regional powers are just about ready to get rid of your killer friend. The opposition will be killed if the set foot in Syria and you know it. Good luck in life with the Syrian border closed to your arms shipments.

Your black turban matches the color of your heart. You are a demon. People are no longer afraid of you. People speak the truth to your face now and you can't stand it.

Default-user-icon John from Koura (Guest) 14 January 2012, 21:02

I think Lebanon including HA must abide by ALL UN resolutions. ONLY after the terrorist state of Israel abides by more than 100 PRIOR UN resolutions. are a cancer and not allowed on ANY Lebanese websites.

Default-user-icon John from Koura (Guest) 14 January 2012, 21:07

Lebanon including HA must support UN resolutions. ONLY AFTER THE TERRORIST STATE OF ISRAEL ABIDES BY MORE THAN 100 PRIOR UN RESOLUTIONS. Zionists are banned from writing on any Lebanese website.

Thumb shab 14 January 2012, 21:10

So fatty is going to fight the whole world from his rat hole?

Thumb shab 14 January 2012, 21:10

So fatty is going to fight the whole world from his rat hole?

Default-user-icon Bas ba'a (Guest) 14 January 2012, 22:34

Nasrallah has been hiding for so long that he is now completely disconnected from reality

Default-user-icon HARRY (Guest) 14 January 2012, 22:34

what a FART

Missing maakroot 14 January 2012, 22:38

you can see the fear on his face...he is a dead man walking and talking

Missing maakroot 14 January 2012, 22:41

ask jabalamel & co to check hassounis must be soaking in sweat and shit

Default-user-icon Muhamada (Guest) 14 January 2012, 23:00

Nasralah Hezboshaitan your days are numbered and Lebanon will win the battle for freedom against the Zionist and you very soon, without your help.

Thumb joesikemrex 15 January 2012, 02:06

You will be disarmed by peace or force.

Default-user-icon Fardo Bkhassro (Guest) 15 January 2012, 04:07

Hey warriors, don't believe a word that Nasrallah says. Instead, ridicule him and believe every word cheikh Imbecile says and every prediction that Dr. Samir Mkhashkhash makes because these two have been right all along, unlike Nasrallah.

Default-user-icon missing lebanese (Guest) 15 January 2012, 08:55

Hizbullah’s chief voiced his support to attempts to unveil the fate of Imam Moussa al-Sadr and his two companions, praising the cooperation of the Libyan authorities.

what about the missing lebanese in syria sayyed spiteful thug? Perhaps, to you if they are not shia or born in iran like your ex imam, they are not worth asking about?

Default-user-icon syrian from homs (Guest) 15 January 2012, 09:16

“We call on the Syrian opposition to abide by (Syrian President Bashar) Assad’s demands to engage in dialogue and cooperate with him to introduce reform that would resolve the country’s problems.”

....and the syrian opposition is waiting for his "glorious" advice? He treats the syrian people who have given thousands of martyrs so far in pursuit of freedom like he treats his local herds in lebanon. Ya mish sayyed keep your advice to yourself, and spare us your "defiant" rhetoric. You are irrelevant and will become more so very very soon. Remember ya nassrallah the syrians will not forget who stood by them when they were being butchered and tortured.

Thumb Bandoul 15 January 2012, 09:28

Tfeh 3ala w7ad mitlak ya ka2ed Hzb El Kzb & Erhab, wa7ad ibn 7aram khanzir living in the sewer and telling us how to live our lives at gunpoint!

Default-user-icon John from Koura (Guest) 15 January 2012, 17:41

Lebanon including HA will carry out resolution 1559 and 1701. ONLY AFTER THE TERRORIST ISRAELI NAZI STATE ABIDE BY ALL 100 PRIOR UN RESOLUTIONS. By the way, it is a crime for any Zionist hoodlum to comment on any Lebanese website.

Default-user-icon karma (Guest) 15 January 2012, 18:04

the PLO in Lebanon all over again! the same fate awaits u. u will be dissolved not by force, but by incompetence and greed. your fate is to implode. you have built upon drugs and thugary and mut3a. these same things will sever you as well... and big will be your fall!

Thumb Bandoul 15 January 2012, 20:00

It is also a crime to be an Iranian brainwashed thug who doesn't pay electricity, doesn't have any type of education and thinks Syria is his/her motherland to comment on this website.

Thumb arzz 16 January 2012, 04:15

homsy, who are the syrians? There more then 50% of you that are not with Homsi slafis and muslim brotherhood like you. Real syrians in his view are the ones that do not call on foreign powers to remove the axis of resistance or axis of evil in the west's view. So it is all a matter of perception and you are no better homsi then the other syrians that do not like your hinger for power. Had Assad been sunni then I am guessing you would not have been going crazy on the streets as you have been. I say get a life bozo.

Thumb arzz 16 January 2012, 04:19

little Nasrallah got M14, + Ban + israel + more all very worried. He has been winning 1 battle after another. If he stays as powerful post Assad of if Assad stays in power then yet he wins and another one will bite the dust.