Geagea Lauds Hariri’s Move, Urges Independent 'Govt. of Experts'


Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea lauded Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s resignation on Tuesday, saying it came “in response to the massive popular demand.”

“What’s important now is to go to the second step, which is essential and truly needed in order to overcome our current crisis,” Geagea said.

The second step should be “the formation of a new government of experts, who should be known for their integrity and success, and most importantly totally independent from the political forces,” Geagea added.

He also called on security agencies to “preserve the safety of demonstrators across Lebanon after the ugly attacks they came under today in central Beirut,” referring to an attack by supporters of Hizbullah and the AMAL Movement on the main protest site in downtown Beirut and on protesters on the Ring highway.

Comments 3
Thumb chrisrushlau 30 October 2019, 15:21

Geagea has taken the brave, and may I say inspired step of calling for an all-Christian government. Its first logical step would be the rollback of the Taef-Accord-inspired Article 24 setaside which gives half of parliamentary seats to non-Christians. Before that, Christians received seats in a 6:5 ratio to non-Christians, and Lebanon never had any unpleasantnesses under that regime.

Thumb chrisrushlau 30 October 2019, 15:21

Now that Hezbollah has opened up the streets, the army might be able to keep them open.

Thumb chrisrushlau 30 October 2019, 15:26

Maybe removed my comment to the same effect as the first one here because it thought people might think Geagea would really say such a thing, so that my comment was libelous. Even if he would actually say such a thing, or people believe he would, it still was not libelous. I did not accuse him of having sex with animals. Not even littering. Christian privilege under law is the foundation of Lebanon's stability and security. Supposedly. You might think not talking about it helps. Or that it fools someone. Who are you trying to fool?