Saniora Suggested to Ban that U.N. Demarcate Maritime Border, Determine Economic Zone

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Former Prime Minister Fouad Saniora suggested to visiting United Nations chief Ban Ki-moon that the international organization demarcate Lebanon’s maritime border, reported the daily An Nahar on Sunday.

He proposed during their meeting on Saturday that the U.N. also determine Lebanon’s Exclusive Economic Zone, which would enable the country to exercise its rights to exploit the natural resources in the area.

Tensions between Lebanon and Israel have been on the rise over a dispute over the maritime border in light of the discovery of offshore gas and oil in the Mediterranean Sea.

Saniora and Ban also discussed the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and the need to renew Lebanon’s commitment to the cooperation protocol with the court.

The talks also addressed the need for Lebanon to implement United Nations Security Council resolution 1701.

Comments 2
Default-user-icon Shamdar (Guest) 15 January 2012, 14:51

Soon, Saniora will see this happen from behind bars where he and Mafia Hariri, aka the band of crooks, thieves and collaborators with all of Lebanon's enemies belong.

Thumb shab 15 January 2012, 20:23

best PM ever