Gunfire, Tensions as Hizbullah, AMAL Supporters Roam Streets on Motorbikes


Army troops and security forces quickly intervened Monday evening after supporters of the AMAL Movement and Hizbullah arrived at Beirut’s Martyrs Square on scooters and hurled insults and a few rocks at protesters who have an encampment in the area.

The situation was quickly brought under control although tensions remain high.

Security forces later reinforced their presence in the capital’s Martyrs Square and Riad al-Solh.

Media reports said the motorbikes arrived from the Beirut southern suburb of Msharrafiyeh, where supporters of the two parties were holding a sit-in in protest at a car crash that killed two people near a roadblock in Jiye.

Later on Monday, gunfire erupted in the Beirut area of Cola after convoys of motorcycles passed in the area. The convoys had roamed several streets in Beirut and its suburbs.

TV networks said the gunshots were fired in the air, causing no injuries. The army immediately sent reinforcements to the area.

Supporters of al-Mustaqbal Movement had earlier blocked the Qasqas road in Beirut after Hizbullah and AMAL supporters passed in the area on motorbikes and shouted slogans. MTV said gunshots were also fired in the air there.

The army quickly intervened and deployed in the area.

Al-Mustaqbal meanwhile issued a statement urging its supporters not to be dragged into "provocations aimed at igniting strife" and to "refrain from taking part in any street protests or convoys."

Elsewhere, supporters of Hizbullah and AMAL attacked the main protest site in the southern city of Tyre and torched the tents of protesters.

Comments 10
Thumb devnull_666 25 November 2019, 23:06

Nonsense. This is a bunch of typical hardcore HezAmal braindead thugs enforcing a view they don't even hold but have been told. But you know, intimidation, violence, repression - it only works for a while, if at all.

Thumb jabal10452 26 November 2019, 00:11

Mystic: They are not taking matters into their own hands. They are acting on the express orders of the HA leadership. Nothing happens without Hezbollah's express authorization, and you know it.
Hezbollah feels threatened by the demonstrators and will lash out to protect its position in Lebanon, even if it means igniting a civil war. Hezbollah reacts just like their masters in Teheran, by responding to peaceful demonstrators with thuggery.

Thumb canadianleb 26 November 2019, 00:42

Hi Mystic did you say stop people from working? what work? unemployment is at it's highest level and there are no jobs to be had. These thugs got paid by the leadership and that is the job they have...

Thumb justin 26 November 2019, 00:52

بالفيديو: مناصرو حزب الله و”أمل” يطلقون النار على جسر الكولا

Thumb janoubi 26 November 2019, 01:08

فيما ينظم انصار “حزب الله” وحركة “أمل” وقفة تضامنية مع ضحيتي حادث الناعمة حسين شلهوب وسناء الجندي، في عدد من المناطق في الضاحية الجنوبية فجر امس، انتشر فيديو على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي لانصار الثنائي في الغبيري يرددون هتافات ضد الحراك الشعبي مطالبين بـ 7 ايار جديد، هذا ومن الهتافات ايضا “مشان الله يا سيد يلا” بالاشارة الى انهم بانتظار اشارة من الامين العام لـ حزب الله”.

«الشعب يريد 7 ايار جديد»!وقفات-احتجاجية-في-الغبيري-وهتافات-ال/

Thumb janoubi 26 November 2019, 03:30

When your terror group occupied Downtown Beirut for almost 2 years, did you think about people's livelihood and putting food on their tables? You destroyed Lebanon's economy and still do so gtfo!

Thumb the-truth 26 November 2019, 04:40

Yes Mystic, you're absolutely right. It's the Lebanese protestors who are killing the economy.. Not the corrupt officials that have been in power for decades. Sometimes I really wonder if you were dropped on your head as a kid.

Thumb the-truth 26 November 2019, 04:41

These people are the definition of scum

Thumb lebnanfirst 26 November 2019, 04:59

Again you still don't get it, we the Lebanese are revolting precisely because it can't get any more miserable for us than it already used! Hello!

What you think we Lebanese are in the streets for a picnic? More miserable? It will be much more miserable if we allow you to continue you're irrational, dogmatic and destructive path.

We're suffocating and we've had enough, wake up and smell the roses @Mysric

Missing samiam 26 November 2019, 08:39

You need to go back to propaganda camp--if you going to spread propaganda, at least make it mildly believable to all sides. While some want to block roads, your camp want to block people from living productive lives. Eventually what kizb and amal are going to do is make lebanon another gaza strip with the government run by farci terrorists and on everyone's sanction list.

And before you think iran will help you, they just asked russia for a $2 billion loan--so they won't help us. China said no; the GCC, Europe and the US won't invest, so who's left?