Aoun Vows to Eradicate 'Malicious Germ of Corruption'

President Michel Aoun on Monday pledged to eradicate what he called “the malicious germ of corruption,” in a tweet marking the International Anti-Corruption Day.
“We will continue to work with all our effort and energy to eradicate the malicious germ of corruption which has infiltrated the country’s health and institutions as well as the mentalities of a lot of individuals,” Aoun tweeted.
He also called for turning integrity into “an approach, culture and lifestyle.”
Aoun’s remarks come amid an unprecedented popular uprising against corruption in the country.

الله يحميه
بي الكل
A fearless man - A real leader - A true statesman.

He also called for turning integrity into “an approach, culture and lifestyle.”

General Aoun who is now President and a Shia Imam has earned my utmost respect and captured my wildest imagination for vowing to Eradicate 'Malicious Germ of Corruption' in his family and political party.

He said the same during the Presidential campaign. Three years later... it is all worse by very, very, very far...and the guy keeps singing that same tune... Amazing!

De l’euthanasie à l’État Nazi, l’histoire d’un General et de son nabot…

Nicolas Tueni this president's own anti-corruption minister looked for corruption for two years yet he could not find any. The fact that Nicolas Tueni was being payed a minster's wage for two year for doing nothing is the epitome of the malicious germ of corruption.

Yes, as he demands that his son in law be a part of the new government demanded by the anti-corruption protests. Since when has Bassil - Bassil = Bassil?