Kanaan Promises to Reveal Good News on Thursday

MP Ibrahim Kanaan, the secretary of the Free Patriotic Movement-led Strong Lebanon bloc, on Monday announced that he would reveal good news to the Lebanese on Thursday.
“Can we tell people about something other than nagging, collapse and the blocking of roads and livelihoods?” Kanaan tweeted.
Can we talk to them about something other than “linking the price of the bread pack to the recovery of stolen finds or linking tuition fees, housing loans and bank deposits to parliamentary polls?” Kanaan added.
“Yes we can, if we work more and talk less, and God willing, I will reveal some news on Thursday,” the MP went on to say.

"Kanaan Promises to Reveal Good News on Thursday"
Could it be that he decided to commit suicide?

بو صعب: استهداف سوريا مستنكر
استنكر وزير الدفاع في حكومة تصريف الاعمال الياس بوصعب الضربة الإسرائيلية على سوريا.

Resignation would be a good step--Basil and Aoun leaving country would be even better.

Are you all not tired of these politicians who promise "surprises", like they are Santa Claus giving treats to the little children? The paternalism is suffocating. They treat the people as if they were little children, jumping up and down waiting for the Christmas Fairy to put some fairy dust on them, rather than treating the people as the sovereign authority of the Lebanese State.
Nasrallah does this all the time, treating the people like his children. Aoun does it too and now even a zlim like Kenaan is doing it. Enough!! Out with them all.

The Similarity between Lebanon and Argentine: Lebanon's public debt is %140 of GDP while Argentine's is %100.
Follow what happened to Argentine whose President just declared the country is in total default.
Argentina: Worst Economic Crisis since 2001

Hopefully the good news is that your master died in his sleep or even better the son in law got kidnapped by space aliens, either was the only good news you can give us is their demise anything short of that is terrible news.

Ibrahim Kanaan one of the first to blot the FPM when the old senile Baabda resident dies.