France: Iran Violating Arms Embargo with Shipments to Syria

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Iran has repeatedly violated a U.N. arms embargo with exports to protest-hit Syria, the French foreign ministry said on Monday, citing a U.N. group of experts.

"The U.N. panel of experts on Iran has identified and informed the Security Council of several violations of the embargo on arms to or from Iran set up by... the United Nations Security Council," said spokesman Romain Nadal.

"These arms deliveries are illegal and deeply shocking because they benefit a regime that has chosen a kind of repression that the U.N. rights council has repeatedly said constitutes 'crimes against humanity'," he said.

"We condemn these violations and call on Iran and Syria to comply with Security Council resolutions," Nadal said in response to a question about a U.S. accusation that Tehran was sending arms to Damascus.

Senior U.S. officials told Agence France Presse on Friday that Iran was supplying munitions to aid Syria's bloody protest crackdown in an initiative spearheaded by the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps' elite Quds force, Qasem Soleimani.

Iran is forbidden to import or export weapons or ammunition under the terms of U.N. Security Council resolutions dating from 2007 and 2010 slapped on the Islamic republic because of its controversial nuclear program.

Comments 29
Default-user-icon A proud Lebanese (Guest) 16 January 2012, 15:22

What, surprised? LOL!!!

Thumb thepatriot 16 January 2012, 16:25

Iranian weapons are rusted... they can sell them as scrap metal...

Default-user-icon Eli in Aus (Guest) 16 January 2012, 18:19

Mowaten, get real! You are trying to compare the backward repressive Iranian and Syrian regimes to a modern day superpower. Israel is here to stay, and the US will prevail. The syrian regime will no doubt collapse sooner or later, and the iranians will follow in time to come. Hopefully, modern civilised regimes will take place in both Syria and Iran, in line to what exists in the old eastern european countries. I love lebanon and all lebanese people.

Missing realist 16 January 2012, 19:44

Mowaten, arm supplies to Syria are used to kill civilians, how nazi are you man?? or is it alright for sunis to be slaughtered in your dictionary and this is why you are okay with it. I bet you would not mind if the regime even uses chemical weapons to wipe out a million suni syrian. Your realy enemy mowaten is the suni and not the jew, why dont you be a man enough to say that.

Thumb formidilosus 16 January 2012, 20:42

@realist, touché

Thumb arzz 17 January 2012, 07:47

adam, you are only serving israel by comments like that. not all sunnis are like the salafis or brotherhood.

I lived around the brotherhood guys once and they always viewed me as the christian infidel. Never said hi to me. Always gave me dirty looks when I was trying to say hi. I much rather have Assad then them. But most sunnis I know are not like those salafi bozos.

Thumb profile 17 January 2012, 12:48

a paranoid blogger who is certain a "conspiracy" exists if more than "ONE" person votes his unduly narcissistic opinion down.

Default-user-icon alas (Guest) 17 January 2012, 12:55

"I have a problem with intolerant fundamentalists, like salafis or orthodox Jews, yet my opinion is not only based on religion..."

and mowaten of iran wants us to believe the mullahs of Qom and his idol the murshid of hizb are tolerant and not fundamentalists. The more you open your mouth, the more filth comes out. All your comments on this board are pure sectarian, so no need to feel defensive about it.

Default-user-icon in reverse (Guest) 17 January 2012, 13:12

"Why would it be acceptable for the shia farsi thugs/terrorists to receive weapons from other countries, like the smuggling of weapons through the syrian border for instance, but unacceptable for the any other party to get shipped ammo?"

Default-user-icon memories from long time (Guest) 17 January 2012, 13:16

I once knew an american racist who used to say" oh no, blacks are not, definitely not, my enemy. I am not prejudice, in fact my secretary is black"...... mowaten, you remind me of this person in many many ways. Your come back was not successful either......

Thumb profile 17 January 2012, 16:01

A wise-man once said: Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!

Thumb profile 17 January 2012, 16:19

..... and he never ever "exits" gracefully......!

Thumb thepatriot 17 January 2012, 16:29

"jews...have several Jewish members of parliament to represent them..."
No, they have 1 seat.

Default-user-icon Baloch (Guest) 17 January 2012, 16:51

can you speak about the Baloch, professor mowaten of iran? U quietly avoided the topic? Are they respected? Do they have their own mosques? are they being tortured and killed? are they 10th class citizens to the shia? please, enlighten us about your tolerance and that of your spiritual leaders, huh?

Default-user-icon abnormal (Guest) 17 January 2012, 16:53

yeah, and the constitution of lebanon says ONLY the legal lebanese armed forces carry weapons????

Default-user-icon tolerance (Guest) 17 January 2012, 16:56

"acts were said and whether you like them or not, iran could teach you a lot about tolerance."

there were over 220 executions in Iran this year alone:)))))))))))))) what a loser this mowaten is.....seriously!

Default-user-icon knight (Guest) 17 January 2012, 16:59

@patriot:"Correct thepatriot, your attention to detail honors you"..... you have been "knighted" by the great mowaten of iran!!!!!! shall we call you now "ayatollah" thepatriot? LOL

Default-user-icon back (Guest) 17 January 2012, 17:01

.... yeah, let's get back to what mowaten was saying........

Default-user-icon uffffff (Guest) 17 January 2012, 17:07

mowaten: the topic of this article is to quote"France: Iran Violating Arms Embargo with Shipments to Syria", not " The wonderful land of Iran". You are truly overbearing individual.......uffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

Default-user-icon Baloch (Guest) 17 January 2012, 17:12

can you speak about the Baloch, professor mowaten of iran? U quietly avoided the topic? Are they respected? Do they have their own mosques? are they being tortured and killed? are they 10th class citizens to the shia?

was all of that a word to you? u got my point, and you know the answer already. How Iran treats these people defies all your heart felt testimony about your great Iran and its "tolerance". You are selling expired merchandise my dear mowaten, of iran.

Default-user-icon speed (Guest) 17 January 2012, 17:16

Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

Default-user-icon sorry 4 u (Guest) 17 January 2012, 17:20

"Maybe you feel sorry for traitors, rapists and drug traffickers, but i dont.", but you seem to feel sorry for your hizb of thugs, coz that is exactly what they do!

Default-user-icon LebExile (Guest) 17 January 2012, 18:09

mowaten: just a couple of questions -

1. do you have a job? - you seem to spend so much time on Naharnet - leaving tens of comments on each article. I can barely keep up reaqding your comments let alone post many. I work 8 hours a day, and spend some time at work reading your useless comments.

2. do you pay for your electricity?

Default-user-icon peace (Guest) 17 January 2012, 18:36

Iran’s Zoroastrians, Jews, Mandeans, Christians, and Bahais are subordinated and indeed treated as a fifth column by the revolutionary Islamic Republic. No matter that most of these religious groups were established in Iran before Islam arrived there; none are accepted by Iran’s Shiite rulers as fully Iranian.
Pervasive discrimination, intimidation, and harassment have prompted non-Muslims to flee in disproportionately high numbers.
Catholic, Anglican, Protestant, and evangelical churches are not regarded as heritage communities and are afforded few rights. Christian worship must be in the Assyrian or Armenian languages, not in Farsi.
According to Iranian law, Bahai blood is considered mobah — that is, it can be spilled with impunity. Over two hundred Bahais have been executed since 1979. “An enemy of Islam” was written on some of their corpses.

very tolerant society iran has become under the ayatollahs indeed....

Default-user-icon LebExile (Guest) 17 January 2012, 19:47

is this your job?

Thumb thepatriot 17 January 2012, 20:03

"Alleged restrictions and punishments lawful in the Islamic Republic which violate international human rights norms include: harsh penalties for crimes; punishment of "victimless crimes" such as fornication, homosexuality; execution of offenders under 18 years of age; restrictions on freedom of speech, and the press, including the imprisonment of journalists; unequal treatment according to religion and gender in the Islamic Republic's Constitution - especially attacks on members of the Bahá'í religion.
Reported abuses falling outside of the laws of the Islamic Republic that have been condemned include the execution of thousands of political prisoners in 1988, and the widespread use of torture to extract repudiations by prisoners of their cause and comrades on video for propaganda purposes. "

Thumb thepatriot 17 January 2012, 20:05

"Also condemned has been firebombings of newspaper offices and attacks on political protesters by "quasi-official organs of repression," particularly "Hezbollahi," and the murder of dozens of government opponents in the 1990s, allegedly by "rogue elements" of the government.
Under the administration of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Iran’s human rights record "has deteriorated markedly" according to the group Human Rights Watch,[4] and following the 2009 election protests there were reports of killing of demonstrators, the torture, rape and killing of detained protesters,[5][6] and the arrest and publicized mass trials of dozens of prominent opposition figures in which defendants "read confessions that bore every sign of being coerced."
You like wikipedia Mowaten don't ya?

Thumb thepatriot 17 January 2012, 20:07

"The Iranian penal code distinguishes two types of punishments: Hudud (fixed punishment) and the Qisas (retribution) or Diyya (Blood money or Talion Law). Punishments falling within the category of Hududs are applied to people committing offenses against the State, such as adultery, alcohol consumption, burglary or petty theft, rebellions against Islamic authority, apostasy and homosexual intercourse (considered contrary to the spirit of Islam).[43] Punishments include death by hanging, stoning[44] or decapitation, amputation or flagellation. Victims of private crimes, such as murder or rape, can exercise a right to retribution (Qisas) or decide to accept "blood money" (Diyyah or Talion Law)."

Sounds yummy...

Thumb shab 18 January 2012, 01:58

Stop calling this terror state Islamic. It has absolutely nothing to do with Islam. Same with The filthy militia