Mouallem: Syria Eager to Cooperate with Lebanon to Face Caesar Act

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid el-Mouallem said during a press conference on Tuesday, that Syria is willing to cooperate with Lebanon to face the new US sanctions "if Lebanon shows the same willingness."
“We are ready to cooperate together with Lebanon to face the Caesar Act, and that is only possible through a common desire (between Syria and Lebanon),” said Moallem in his remarks.
However, “there is no such communication between us so far,” he added.
On the demarcation of the border with Lebanon, Mouallem said Syria will never accept such a move.
“Syria will never agree to demarcating its border with Lebanon or the deployment of international forces because this is only done with the enemies,” he said.
The Minister added: “I am not underestimating the Caesar Act, but we have been used to dealing with sanctions for decades, and we must strive to turn Caesar Act into an opportunity to achieve self-sufficiency and deepen cooperation with allies.”
The U.S. Ceasar Act punishes companies that work with Syrian President Bashar Assad and seeks to prevent his normalization without accountability for human rights abuses.
It also blocks US reconstruction assistance.

“Syria will never agree to demarcating its border with Lebanon or the deployment of international forces because this is only done with the enemies,” he said.
You are our enemy! You plundered us, stole from us, committed political assassinations, tortured our people, kindaped many, and humiliated us at Anjar, Beau Rivage etc...
Go to HELL Sir!

typical kizb statement
“Syria will never agree to demarcating its border with Lebanon or the deployment of international forces because this is only done with the enemies,”
Of course, he wants our stuff and kizb wants arms smuggled from their side. And we wonder where our money is going....