Aoun, Salameh Deny Discussing Hizbullah's al-Qard al-Hasan


Both President Michel Aoun and Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh have denied discussing the issue of Hizbullah’s controversial financial institution, al-Qard al-Hasan, in a meeting that they held in Baabda.

A statement issued by the Presidency said media reports that claimed the opposite were “baseless,” noting that the discussions tackled “the monetary situations in the country, the issue of the ration cards and the issue of subsidization.”

The Central Bank for its part described the reports as “totally unfounded,” adding that the talks focused on the economic and social situations.

MTV had earlier reported that during their meeting, Salameh emphasized that al-Qard al-Hasan had not obtained a license from the Central Bank to operate in financial matters in violation of the Lebanese laws.

The U.S. Treasury Department had on Tuesday imposed new sanctions on seven Lebanese linked to Iran-backed Hizbullah and its financial arm, the al-Qard al-Hasan association.

The measures are the latest against Hizbullah, which Washington considers a “terrorist” group and has targeted with penalties for years.

The Treasury said al-Qard al-Hasan — which the U.S. has sanctioned since 2007 — has taken a more prominent role over the years. Founded since 1982 and registered as a charity in Lebanon, the association is used by Hizbullah to gain access to the international financial system, the Treasury added.

Comments 8
Missing phillipo 12 May 2021, 13:11

I hope he understands that when he talks against Hizballah he is talking to a stone wall. Nobody in the country will dare, repeat dare, back him up with action.

Thumb galaxy 12 May 2021, 13:31

Salameh Says al-Qard al-Hasan Operates Contrary to Lebanese Laws

Oh, he just woke up!!!

Thumb thepatriot 12 May 2021, 13:53

Exactly @galaxy! Why didn't he speak up before!!?

Thumb marcus 12 May 2021, 14:12

Can I start and operate al-Qard al-George contrary to Lebanese Laws? Why didn't this lowlife inform the judiciary and security forces to close them down? Then you still have people that debate whether Hezbollah is in total control of every aspect of governance!

Missing samiam 12 May 2021, 14:17

This has been known for a long time---it is just because it is in the news front and center that the old man would bring up the issue.

Thumb SheikYerbouti 12 May 2021, 15:00

القرض الحسن not to be confused with حسن القرد the guy in charge of القرض الحسن

Thumb 12 May 2021, 15:13

Anything hizbala does or says is illegal ; it’s been like this since the inception of the terrorist organization originally named ‘Islamic jihad’.

Missing cedars 13 May 2021, 13:28

Where is the hero judge Aoun to save us now?