Lebanese Currency Hits New Record Lows as Crisis Deepens


Lebanon's local currency hit a new record low on Sunday, with the country's economic and political crisis worsening with no apparent solutions in the near future.

The currency has lost more than 90% of its value since October 2019, when anti-government protests erupted. Inflation and prices of basic goods have skyrocketed in the country, which imports more than 80% of its basic goods.

The U.S. dollar hit 15,300 pounds on the black market, breaking a level not seen since March. The official rate still stands at 1,515 pounds to the dollar.

The latest crash comes as the tiny country is witnessing severe shortages in vital products including fuel and medicine. Electricity cuts last for much of the day and private generator owners have warned they cannot cover the deficit of the state-owned power company.

Political disagreements between President Michel Aoun and Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri have so far delayed the formation of a new government. Hariri was chosen for the post in October.

The government of Prime Minister Hassan Diab resigned days after an Aug. 4 blast at Beirut's port that killed 211, wounded more than 6,000 and damaged nearby neighborhoods.

In March 2020, Lebanon defaulted on paying back its debt for the first time in its history.

The crisis is rooted in decades of widespread corruption and mismanagement by the ruling class that has been running Lebanon since the end of the 1975-90 civil war.

The World Bank said earlier this month that Lebanon's economic and financial crisis is likely to rank as one of the worst the world has seen in more than 150 years.

Comments 10
Thumb i.report 13 June 2021, 21:21

What a ‘Strong’ Lebanon under Aoun. People are starving, the situation is about to get far worse than 1915. The Great Famine is back!

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 14 June 2021, 00:05

But the Christians are strong and regained their rights under Aoun, or no?

Thumb i.report 14 June 2021, 00:48

Nah, if Lebanon is weak, all of its communities are weak.

Thumb janoubi 13 June 2021, 23:11

«باسيل يُهرب 55 مليون دولار الى الخارج».. والعقوبات تُجمّدها!؟ «باسيل يُهرب 55 مليون دولار الى الخارج».. والعقوبات تُجمّدها!؟


Thumb janoubi 13 June 2021, 23:11

بعد فيديو الإعتداء على سيدة بالبترون.. باسيل يُحرّض مناصريه: إنتهى زمن الشتيمة دون جواب!


Thumb i.report 14 June 2021, 00:47

Thugs. The Aounis are basically street thugs wearing suits .

Thumb janoubi 13 June 2021, 23:13

بالفيديو: سيدة اسمعت باسيل كلاماً لاذعاً في مطعم بالبترون.. ليعتدوا عليها بالضرب!؟ بالفيديو: سيدة اسمعت باسيل كلاماً لاذعاً في مطعم بالبترون.. ليعتدوا عليها بالضرب!؟


Thumb janoubi 13 June 2021, 23:36

قادماً من بيروت.. قائد فيلق القدس يصل بغداد ممتعضاً!


Thumb lubnani.masi7i 14 June 2021, 00:40

باسيل : زمن الشتيمة من دون جواب انتهى

Default-user-icon Liberty (Guest) 14 June 2021, 10:51

The current currency rate to the dollar is fake and doesn't really represent its real value. The local currency is now falling for two reasons: 1. not forming a government, and 2. not making the necessary reforms that the IMF is demanding. As for the second, the IMF would demand severe and costly reforms that normally don't please the people, such as, lifting support on all products, adding taxes to the cost of fuel, taxing the rich, Increasing Value added tax (in Greece they demanded the rate to increase from 12 to 24%), firing half the public sector employees as it happened in Greece, and bolstering the private sector to suck the fired public sector as much as possible. It happened in Greece, Ireland, Cyprus, Portugal and even Egypt, and the results were good. Once the government is formed and the IMF comes in to reform the country, the local currency would stabilize at 6k and hover around this threshold.