'No Serious Talks' between Miqati, Paris on Succeeding Hariri


There are no serious talks between ex-PM Najib Miqati and France regarding him being nominated to succeed Saad Hariri as PM-designate, an MP close to Miqati said on Sunday.

“Ex-PM Miqati does not think, as he is being (wrongly) quoted, that he does not mind to form a government as long as he continues to be in the post-elections government,” MP Nicolas Nahhas of Miqati’s Independent Center bloc said, in an interview with al-Jadeed TV.

“This would be an egoistic approach,” Nahhas added.

Comments 2
Default-user-icon Wiseman (Guest) 18 July 2021, 13:55

Another known face who reeks corruption. We need a new leader to put things in order and to highlight those who stole people's money. That's why we see always recycled faces because everyone from the politicians are scared of exposure. I always said that all of these politicians speak to each other behind closed doors, while attacking each other in the open. It's a strategy they use to protect themselves from prosecution. Should Lebanon have a new honest government, all the politicians would end up in jail on charges of corruption on a mega scale.

Default-user-icon Irma Ghosn (Guest) 18 July 2021, 16:39

somebody needs to get Lebanon out of this guagmire even if it entails some personal sacrifice of those who have the power to do something about the situation. Ex PM Miqati did a good job earlier so why not now? Stp up to tyhe challenge! The country needs someone like you!