Miqati on Port Blast Anniversary: Lebanon is in Danger


Prime Minister-designate Najib Miqati said in a statement Wednesday, on the first anniversary of the explosion of the Port of Beirut, that he supports the victims’ families in their demand for justice.

Miqati called on everyone to cooperate with the judiciary in order to achieve justice, reveal the complete truth and punish the culprits.

He added that “Lebanon is in danger,” and that “nothing can save the country but our unity and getting rid of our selfishness and personal interests.”

Comments 4
Missing sanctify 04 August 2021, 12:07

The man's a genius.

Default-user-icon Whatsaname (Guest) 04 August 2021, 12:39

Right? he was part of that danger that got the country to this point, but here we meet again! It's like they just don't get it, they just keep playing roulette. Clownfest. :) What a shame, that they all lied so blatantly in the face of mass murder because of greed and corruption since '75. No one was tried in court for their role in the destruction, instead they just paid their sheep 100 bucks to keep them in power, or put new faces in power and worship them for the criminals they are under the banners of religion.

Default-user-icon Warrior (Guest) 04 August 2021, 13:07

Well said, selfishness and personal interests by individual leader and parties are the number one reason why Lebanon is in such a terrible state. Nobody should insist on having certain portfolios, nobody!!!

Thumb lebnanfirst 04 August 2021, 21:21

Really? And you know that how? You live in a world all your own amigo.