Aoun Hopes for Govt. in Few Days, Says Won't Resign


President Michel Aoun on Monday hoped that the new government will be formed in the “next few days,” as he stressed that he will not resign.

Noting that he is a “partner” with the PM-designate in the formation process, Aoun said he has the right to choose from the proposed candidates.

“I will not resign and I will perform my duties until the end,” the President emphasized.

“I hope that the phase of rebuilding Lebanon psychologically and materially will start with me before being completed by the new president,” Aoun went on to say.

He added: “We hope to be able to curb the crisis through the formation of a new government in the next few days, despite the efforts by some to obstruct this formation.”

Aoun also said that the new government would start “structural reforms and negotiations with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to rebuild Lebanon and re-organized it administratively and politically at the various levels.”

Comments 15
Thumb EagleDawn 16 August 2021, 16:01

only 2 people are working for Lebanon as we speak.
General Aoun & Walid Jumblat....the rest pffttttt."

Thumb EagleDawn 16 August 2021, 16:03

“بتبقى انت الحلم، والحلم ما بيشيخ”
الله يحميك
بي الكل
A fearless man - A real leader - A true statesman

Missing zakariah 16 August 2021, 16:55

You're absolutely right. He doesn't fear God, if not he would have committed suicide a long time ago.

But there are still blind people who trust him... and don't see where he has lead us.

Thumb justice 16 August 2021, 16:05

“I will not resign and I will perform my duties until the end,” the President emphasized.

We don't want you to resign.... We want you to die on the job.

Missing zakariah 16 August 2021, 16:58

On the job? what job? -- he's sleeping

Missing sioufi 16 August 2021, 16:19

Who's end is he talking about?

Thumb ashtah 16 August 2021, 16:35

The end of Lebanon and its citizens.

Missing un520 16 August 2021, 16:57

“I hope that the phase of rebuilding Lebanon psychologically and materially will start with me before being complete by the new president” Well, the World Bank estimates that it will take 19 years for Lebanon to recover from its current economic crisis. 19 years from the day the reforms start. We are talking about at least one lost generation here....

Missing samiam 16 August 2021, 17:15

What does he hope to accomplish in the last few months of his tenure, when he has failed miserably in every other aspect. Transparency down, cronyism up, corruption up, living situation--amonng the worst, beirut blown up by his allies, no electricity despite his party having the energy ministry for 12 years, and the list goes on and on.

Again, what does he hope to do?

Missing mcessen1 16 August 2021, 17:16

He hopes to accomplish the guiness book of world record for longest time sat on a chair doing nothing.

Missing peace 16 August 2021, 19:46

Politicians are not to blame , lebanese people are. They elected them and many still support them... Lebanese are just reaping what they sowed....

Thumb gma-bs-artist. 16 August 2021, 21:28

My gut tells me that the decomposing president will have completed the decomposition before the end of his term. When the ominous day comes we will get the customary next three day closing of all public and private institutions. This is to allow for the Lebanese public to recover from the celebratory hangovers sustained following them hearing the "devastating" news. A bottle of 50 Year Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky will be my punishment.

Default-user-icon zorg67 (Guest) 16 August 2021, 22:06

Lemon doubly does miracles even on sleepy papy.

Missing HellAndWaite 16 August 2021, 23:14

"..he has the right to choose from the proposed candidates" .. but what if none are named "Bassil" .. then what right has he?

Thumb thepatriot 17 August 2021, 11:50

We are used to Aoun losing and not resigning.