Aoun Suspects Some Seeking to 'Keep Syrian Refugees in Lebanon'


President Michel Aoun on Friday told a visiting EU official that Lebanon has “suspicions” that some forces are seeking to “keep” Syrian refugees in Lebanon.

“Lebanon hosts more than 1.5 million displaced Syrians and around 500,000 Palestinian refugees, and this hosting has left numerous repercussions on the Lebanese economy and aggravated the financial, social, educational and health crises it is facing,” Aoun told European Commission Vice-President Margaritis Schinas.

“Lebanon, which is taking measures to prevent illegal migration from its territory, hopes it will be treated reciprocally by world nations, especially European countries, because it can no longer bear further burdens,” the President added.

“The international community’s continued disregard for the Lebanese calls seeking to facilitate the return of displaced Syrians to their country has started to create suspicions that some are seeking to keep them in Lebanon, which is something that the Lebanese cannot accept due to its negative impact on the demographic situation that is based on balance between the various Lebanese components,” Aoun went on to say.

Comments 12
Thumb 12 November 2021, 16:41

Did the refugees rob the country and emptied our bank accounts? No, you, your in-laws, and your partners in crime did!

Missing 5-7doud 12 November 2021, 16:43

“some forces are seeking to keep Syrian refugees in Lebanon” and these forces' name is Bashar Assad.

Thumb gebran_sons 12 November 2021, 20:38

LOL, deja vue, Aoun after being the great curse for Christian communities in Lebanon, the destroyer of Christian reputation for enlightenment and education, the primary cause for Christian destitute and emigration, the maker of Faustian deal to sell Lebanon to Iranian Basij for 30 pieces of silver for personal and nepotism benefits, the maker of wars against Christians, the $40 Billion thefts from all ministries FPM managed to ruin... The only time when Lebanon had real independence and freedom from Syrian and Palestinian after 2005 Cedar Revolution , he sold Lebanon to the Basij. He is a premeditated assassin of Lebanon's independence, a nightmare for Christians for generations to come, a traitor that should rot in Jail for all the sufferings he caused to millions and our sovereignty.

Thumb warrior 13 November 2021, 01:45

More demagoguery from the king of demagoguery! Election time is nearing.....

Thumb thepatriot 14 November 2021, 13:59

Yes warrior, and I urge you all to vote!The Oranges and the Yellows for the first time fear the turnout..

Thumb 14 November 2021, 16:18

Thepatriot, where can I find a list of all new civil parties for all regions in Lebanon? I have friends asking me for who to vote in Al Janub and the Nabatiyeh regions. Time is running out …

Thumb thepatriot 14 November 2021, 13:59

Yes warrior, and I urge you all to vote!The Oranges and the Yellows for the first time fear the turnout..

Thumb thepatriot 14 November 2021, 18:24

ireport... they are still working on those lists. They do not want to give up the names too early.

For those abroad, they need to register here:

Thumb 14 November 2021, 23:02

I hear you thepatriot, I’ll pass along the message of hope. Merci

Default-user-icon just a friend (Guest) 15 November 2021, 16:30

check also this there's a overview of the Alternative non-sectarian parties along with other useful/interesting info

Thumb thepatriot 14 November 2021, 18:25

For the lebanese voting from abroad, they can register up until Nov 20th"
then, it will be too late.

Thumb thepatriot 14 November 2021, 23:31

You're welcome brother. Godspeed.