Bassil Criticizes Miqati over Unilateral Decision, Refuses to Return to Cabinet before ‘Restoring Balance’

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Energy Minister Jebran Bassil slammed on Thursday the decision taken by Prime Minister Najib Miqati over the appointment of top civil servants in the state.

“We refuse to become part of those who consider what the PM demands is sacred and the cabinet should abide by it, especially regarding the appointments issue,” Bassil told An Nahar newspaper.

The cabinet witnessed a heated debate on Wednesday after sharp differences between Miqati and Free Patriotic Movement ministers on the names of the Higher Disciplinary Council and the government representative at this council.

He criticized Miqati, saying that the ministers of the Change and Reform bloc “will not go back to the cabinet until it (the cabinet) restores the balance” that the government and the political system should be based on.

“We are not undermining the authority of the premier but we refuse to be undermined as well,” Bassil said.

According to the minister, who is loyal to FPM leader MP Michel Aoun, the PM has the right to “suggest names” and “we have the right to agree or refuse.”

Bassil also told As Safir newspaper, that the PM suggested a candidate for the head of the Higher Disciplinary Council for the first time during Wednesday’s session at the Baabda Palace without discussing the issue with any of the members, contradicting the agreement that was reached between some of the cabinet members.

“If the PM has the right to suggest a name or more, abiding by the mechanism or not, it’s then our right to agree or refuse… that who is keen to maintain the constitution realizes that the decision is taken by the cabinet not only by its head,” Bassil stated.

He demanded Miqati to “stop blackmailing the Lebanese under the slogan of stability at a delicate stage regionally and internationally.’

Bassil, according to As Safir, urged the premier “to stop violating the jurisdictions of the cabinet in an attempt to achieve a popular support.”

President Michel Suleiman agreed to suspend the cabinet session under the premier’s request for the suspension “falls within the PM's Constitutional prerogatives, especially when there's quorum,” Miqati claimed.

Comments 11
Thumb leblover 02 February 2012, 10:47

المفروض اتكون انت رئيس حكومة معالي الوزير باسيل,لانه كما يبدو رئاسة الحكومة صارت كانها نظارة مدرسة و كانه الوظائف الشاغرة ملك ابوكم, نحنا قاعدين بلا شغل و الوظائف الشاغرة ملاينة البلد, استحوا على دمكم و خلو البلد يمشي, لا في كهرباء و لا في شي يخلي الواحد يضل هون.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (Guest) 02 February 2012, 11:14

Bassil asks advice from daddy in law for every silly move he wants to make, and i bet he is even imitating him with those insuline shots in the morning. keeps you awake all day and refills you with new , fresh and magnificient insults which FPM fans love!

Default-user-icon Pashto Digamti (Guest) 02 February 2012, 12:28

The days of trampling on the rights of Christians are over unless, God forbid, the anti-Christians fillers Geagea, Gemayel and the rest of the useless bunch return to serve their masters.

Thumb lebneneh 02 February 2012, 13:10


Thumb leblover 02 February 2012, 13:35

Cookie_Monster men jayeb hal kalam? ye3ni ma3ad fi ra2is 7oukoumi wala majles wouzara walla derrab sekhen, w kel tayfi et7et mawzfina sawa2 ken hal mwazaf shater aw 7mar? 3ajab menkoun walla 3ajab

Missing lebanesy 02 February 2012, 13:57

Old Michel Aoun had a farm
Eya eya yoy
Guys, it's about time we all wake up to the reality
All our politicians are animals trying to run our country like a farm
They all deserve to be sent to the ZOO
WE need to start all over again with a NEW constitution and NEW parliament.
They all deserve a one way ticket to leave us alone!

Default-user-icon karim (Guest) 02 February 2012, 14:44

is Aoun
a) a great general who picks his battles and wins the war
b) a good general who know how to win battles
c) an idiots who fights on all fronts and has only destruction, animosity and defeats to show for

hmmm........ hard one ;)

Default-user-icon beyroute... (Guest) 02 February 2012, 15:06

3anjad shi bi2arrif el 7oukoume wel seyesiyin 3enna...khlallo el balad temshe w matou2af 3ala masale7kon el shakhseye...w enta ya cookie_monster.tla3 men hal 7adis el wate w matfout bel 7adis men khalfeye ta2ifeye aw 3onsoreye.3oun 3ja 3al balad w mfakkar ymashiya 3ala zaw2o w ma tenso wa2et matayass w 2a3asd bel 2aser w kharab el balad w sara2 kaza milliar..remember...

Default-user-icon Minx (Guest) 02 February 2012, 15:53

Lebanesy..I agree with you with one addition: It is about time for all Lebanese to be more mature in order to avoid bringing more monkeys to govern us ;)

Default-user-icon Reforms what Reforms (Guest) 02 February 2012, 20:21

Default-user-icon Clint (Guest) 03 February 2012, 06:27

Can anyone name the fastest animal on earth?