MTV and Michel El Murr Honored in Washington


The Transatlantic Leadership Network - TLN, a Washington D.C. based nonpartisan think-tank, has held its inaugural "Freedom of the Media" gala dinner and award ceremony at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.

An award was presented to MTV Lebanon's Chairman and CEO, Michel El Murr, by TLN's President Dr. Daniel Hamilton and TLN's Vice President Dr. Sasha Toperich, who praised MTV Lebanon for its “investigative reporting on corruption, foreign meddling in Lebanon, including Hizbullah, and various government mishandlings that gained wide popularity, particularly amongst the Middle Eastern youth,” MTV said in a press release.

The award ceremony was held at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. at the invitation-only gala dinner event. The Press Club's president, Lisa Mathews, delivered opening remarks and the Executive Director and Senior Vice President of the Associated Press, Julie Pace, delivered a keynote address.

Members of the U.S. Congress, U.S. government, foreign ambassadors, diplomats, prominent U.S. journalists and scholars attended. TRT World’s Ghida Fakhry delivered remarks as guest of honor, while Emily Wilkins of Bloomberg Government moderated a brief inaugural panel discussion. TLN's first "Freedom of the Media" conference is scheduled for June 21-22, 2022, and will be held at the U.S. Congress.

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