Raad: Hizbullah cannot fight corrupts with weapons


Hizbullah “cannot fight the corrupts in our country” with weapons, “but it can besiege, rein in and punish them,” the head of the party’s parliamentary bloc, Mohammed Raad, said on Friday.

“We’re the guarantee for protecting this country and its security and stability, and our concern has been and will always to protect Lebanon against what harms our people,” Raad said in remarks in the southern town of Arnoun.

“Yes there is corruption in the state and we want to press on with the reform process, but the method of confronting corruption in the state is different from the method of confronting the enemy that is threatening us with weapons,” the lawmaker explained.

He added: “Hizbullah cannot fight the corrupts in our country (with weapons), but it can besiege, rein in and punish them.”

“Corruption in Lebanon hides behind a lot of covers and it is rampant and deep-rooted,” Raad decried, adding that “corruption in Lebanon is confessionally distributed and those who own more media outlets have a bigger ability to incite and accuse others of their own deeds.”

“Corruption in our country is not Shiite, Sunni or Maronite. Corruption has no sect, but the corrupts are the ones who hide behind their sects,” Raad went on to say.

Comments 7
Missing rabiosa 01 April 2022, 17:09

Sure you cannot fight them with weapons but for sure you are protecting them with your weapons.

The country is not stable and is not secure. One thing you fanatic islamists along your, commie comrades and socialists, is that without political stability there is no economic prosperity.

Thumb farsical.resistance 01 April 2022, 17:25

I don't thing sasquatch knows the meaning of corruption. His two biggest allies FPM and Amal accuse each others of the rampant and deep-rooted corruption. Bassil and other FPM officials have openly accused Hizbullah of covering up for the corruption. BTW Hizbullah insisted that Amal should fully support Bassil and his gang in the coming elections after Bassil lost a major chunk of his traditional base.

Missing samiam 01 April 2022, 18:12


Like fadallah with his 'corruption files', not a single one will be a hizb sympathizer. I guess raad is speaking to their minions, so laughter was not present.

Thumb SheikYerbouti 01 April 2022, 18:45

Is Mohammed Raad taking the piss? Hezbollah protects the corrupts because the corrupts protect Hezbollah arms.

Thumb i.report 01 April 2022, 20:16

We need to turn the page of these Lebanon civil war protagonists… we need fresh new parties and programs…

Thumb lebanon_first 02 April 2022, 19:46

You are not the garantee for protecting the country. You are the garantee to oppress the conutry

Thumb thepatriot 04 April 2022, 12:20

You are the corrupted, the curruptors, the assassins, the warlords, the drug lords. GET LOST!