Lebanese queue for bread amid wheat shortages

Some bakeries had already closed their doors when others threatened of closing on Monday night, as bakeries announced they do not have sufficient quantities of wheat to produce bread, urging officials for a fast solution.
General Confederation of Lebanese Workers head Bechara al-Asmar warned Tuesday that there is a scarce quantity of wheat in the bakeries that can barely last for 10 days, urging officials to act swiftly and not to lift subsidies on wheat.
A person had been reportedly injured in a shooting in front of a bakery in the southern suburbs of Beirut, as people queued on Monday to secure their bread, amid promises that the crisis will soon ease.
Economy Minister Amin Salam had promised that a solution will be reached by today, Tuesday, as the central Bank failed to secure funds for the imported subsidized wheat.
He said the funds will be secured.
"Cabinet has decided in its latest session to dedicate $15 million for wheat but the Central Bank hasn't paid the sum yet," al-Asmar said.
LBCI meanwhile said it has learned that Prime Minister Najib Miqati and Minister of Finance Youssef al-Khalil have signed a decision to exceptionally withdraw $15 million from Lebanon's Special Drawing Rights (SDR) to cover the emergency need for wheat.
Agriculture Minister Abbas Haj Hassan denied the withdrawal, saying that Cabinet will convene in the upcoming hours.
He assured that wheat subsidies won't be lifted any time soon.