Skaff visits Berri, urges for 'political' government 'where majority rules'


PSP-backed MP Ghassan Skaff visited Thursday Ain el-Tineh to meet with Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri.

Skaff said he supports forming a political government "where the majority rules and the minority opposes," adding that it shouldn't be a technocrat government.

Skaff had lost to MP Elias Bou Saab as a Deputy Speaker candidate, with 60 votes in the second round and 49 in the first.

Reformist MP Ibrahim Mneimneh told al-Jadeed that the Oct. 17 MPs had decided to cast a blank vote in both rounds, but changed their mind during the session to vote for Skaff in the second round.

The reason, according to Mneimneh, was to create a more competitive vote, as Skaff had declared himself as an independent, even though he had run on the Progressive Socialist Party electoral list.

Comments 1
Thumb chrisrushlau 05 June 2022, 17:35

He means Article 24 which gives half of Parliament to the Christian minority must be abandoned.