UNEP, Sweden Embassy celebrate Swedish National Day in Byblos on June 6

Sweden has chosen “Sustainable Sweden” as a theme for the Swedish National Day celebrations on June 6th. The event will take place in the historic citadel in Byblos in partnership with the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), Byblos Municipality, Volvo Cars and others.
"The aim is to showcase sustainable solutions from different sectors, and to demonstrate that you can host an event with zero plastic waste, recycling and no food waste," UNEP Representative Sami Dimassi and Sweden Ambassador to Lebanon Ann Dismorr said Friday in a joint statement.
Dimassi and Dismorr went on to say that the "Municipality of Byblos has been working hard since 2018 to reduce plastic waste and installing solar panels in the old town."
"Volvo cars has a clear goal to be a climate neutral company by 2040 with a circular economy model. They also abide by the Paris Agreement principles," the statement added," they added.
"In Lebanon, many civil society initiatives working for a greener future gives us hope," the statement said.
"In Lebanon, Sweden supports renewable energy applications in Lebanese rural areas in the North together with ESCWA and the preparation of local wastewater treatment and reuse plans in Zahle and Ablah with International Water Management Institute. Sweden is also funding Berytech’s sustainable agriculture program, Water and Energy for Food, to stimulate innovation in this sector. This year, Sweden has also worked with FabricAID to promote more sustainable fashion consumption in Lebanon."
The statement concluded that "this is an example of how we can all contribute. Our lifestyles are associated with two thirds of all greenhouse gas emissions. We can start with ourselves, change our behavior, and inspire others. It is time for bold choices and urgent action to secure a better future on a healthy planet."