Geagea voices concern over Nasrallah's latest speech

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Gegaea on Wednesday expressed concern over Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s latest televised speech, in which the latter threatened Israel with military action if Lebanon’s sea border demarcation demands are not met.
A statement issued after Geagea met with the visiting American Task Force for Lebanon delegation said talks tackled border demarcation among other issues and that the delegation put Geagea in the picture of “the atmosphere in the United States and the stances of Lebanese leaders on the demarcation issue.”
Geagea for his part said that he had been reassured over this file but expressed “concern that Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s latest speech might shift this file to a totally opposite direction.”
“Nasrallah’s escalation serves two purposes: either Sayyed Hassan knows that this file is heading to its endings, which prompted him to declare his threat to attribute the positive results to himself, continuing with the ‘balance of terror’ chorus line from which he draws his continuity, or that his threat stems from an intention by the Iranians to trigger war from Lebanon,” Geagea added.

Word of the day:
concern (v.)
early 15c., of persons, "to perceive, distinguish;" also, of things, "to refer to, relate to, pertain to," from Old French concerner (15c.) and directly from Medieval Latin concernere "concern, touch, belong to," figurative use of Late Latin concernere "to sift, mix as in a sieve," from assimilated form of Latin com "with, together" (see con-) + cernere "to sift," hence "perceive, comprehend" (from PIE root *krei- "to sieve," thus "discriminate, distinguish").
Apparently the sense of the first element shifted to intensive in Medieval Latin. From late 15c. as "to affect the interest of, be of importance to;" hence the meaning "to worry, disturb, make uneasy or anxious" (17c.). Reflexive use "busy, occupy, engage" ("concern oneself") is from 1630s.