Al-Hajj meets Aoun in Baabda, briefs him on arrest circumstances

President Michel Aoun met Friday with Archbishop Mussa Al-Hajj who briefed him on the circumstances of his arrest in Naqoura as he was returning to Lebanon from the occupied Palestinian territories.
The Archbishop of the Archeparchy of Haifa and the Holy Land and Patriarchal Exarch of Jerusalem and Palestine and Jordan had been questioned for 12 hours earlier this week upon his return from Israel with large quantities of medicines, foodstuffs and canned goods, in addition to $460,000.
A military court summoned him for further questioning Wednesday, which drew angry reactions from Christian leaders.
Many Lebanese rely on remittances from family abroad to weather a crushing economic crisis that began in 2019, but transporting products or money from Israel to Lebanon is illegal.

How many times have Archbishop Al-Hajj and his predecessors crossed the border into Israel and returned with food, medicines and money without once being delayed, never mind arrested?
By the way, under what clause of the constitution has a Military Court the right to demand a civilian to appear before it for interrogation? I thought that's what civilian courts are for.
All this event has the stink of Hizballeh intervention coming from it.

There are rumors that the Shia “insecurity agents” lifted the archbishop’s soutane and searched him thoroughly. If true, this would take this violation of the men of the cloth rights and customs to an another level.