Parliament convenes in first legislative session

Parliament convened Tuesday, in its first legislative session, to vote on 40 draft laws, including a reformed bank secrecy law and a wheat loan from the World Bank, in the presence of U.S. Ambassador Dorothy Shea who attended the session.
Parliament's approval of a reformed bank secrecy law is required by the International Monetary Fund to financially support Lebanon. The aim is to fight corruption and detect and investigate financial crimes.
Parliament will discuss the maritime border demarcation between Lebanon and Israel and vote on two laws that aim to protect the Beirut port silos against demolition.
Meanwhile, activists and "Change" MPs protested in front of the Parliament to urge Parliament to approve the laws that would protect the silos as a memorial for the tragic incident. They also argue that the silos may contain evidence useful for a judicial probe.
Earlier this year, the Lebanese government had moved to demolish the silos, but was forced to suspend the decision following protests from families of the blast's victims and survivors, who have yet to see justice served.