Hezbollah says ready to help in refugee file, slams Western stance


The Hezbollah official in charge of the Syrian refugee file, ex-MP Nawwar al-Saheli, visited General Security chief Maj. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim on Thursday and told him that Hezbollah is willing to help in the file, adding that his party’s capabilities can be put at General Security’s disposal in this regard.

Lauding Ibrahim’s stances and his work to activate the issue of returning the refugees to their country, Saheli also applauded the major general’s contacts with the Syrian government and security agencies in this regard.

The Hezbollah official also condemned “the negative stance of some European and Western countries and their non-seriousness in assisting in this issue.”

Comments 3
Thumb gebran_sons 20 October 2022, 19:55

As Iran helped with Palestinian refugees making them more radicals & arm worshipers. If we had sovereign country we would have rightfully received billions for taking care of Syrian refugees and teaching them democracy and civility so they can make a positive change once back in Syria. Turkey got billions from Europe as refugees would have cost significantly more to Europeans if they reached their shores. Lebanon rightly deserves at least $25 per day for every Syrian temporary refugee in Lebanon. This is over $10 billion per year. FPM has instead used refugees as a cash cow to divert millions to its cronies, instead of FPM foreign ministers requesting a UN resolution for these funds to be earmarked in any Syrian donor conference. This will insure Assad would want them back ASAP. In addition, why not learn from US and UAE and offer citizenship to 1,000 students with highest academic score whether Syrian, Palestinian, Asian or African. This give them hope while benefiting Lebanon.

Missing HellAndWaite 21 October 2022, 14:24

Why should he or we expect European and Western countries to assist with solving a problem of Russia's, Iran, Hezbollah's and Syria's own making .. by choices made not under duress, coercion, or without alternatives having been available?

Depopulating desired countries, making meals from their riches, and imposing humanitarian challenges on otherwise peaceful neighbors is no way to run the world .. but hey, since they got away with it in Syria, let's stand-by and watch the same thing being done to Ukraine .. maybe the same actions will have a different result?

Hezbollah is made-up of whiners envious of Europe's and the West's wealth but incapable of making a similar quality of life on their own .. stealing and cheating isn't a next best thing.

"Resistance" is a lie.

Thumb SheikYerbouti 21 October 2022, 15:49

Bless their heart, Hezballah has just discovered that there are Syrian refugees in Lebanon and immediately sprung into action. I guess they were so busy helping the Syrian government, since 2011 in generating these refugees, that they completely missed them seeking a refuge in Lebanon.