Syrian ambassador: 89% of refugees want to return to Syria

Syrian Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Abdul Karim Ali announced Friday after meeting caretaker Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib that “it is in the interest of Lebanon and Syria to integrate, even if major world powers are pressing in the opposite direction.”
Lauding the stance of President Michel Aoun, the government, Bou Habib and the other ministers regarding the repatriation of refugees to Syria, Ali noted that “the Syrians want to return and they will be safer in Syria than in Lebanon.”
“The (Syrian) state has offered them all facilitations to encourage them to return,” the ambassador added, noting that “according to U.N. surveys, more than 89% of refugees want to return” to their country, the ambassador went on to say.

Syrian ambassador: 89% of refugees want to return to Syria, but alas the place is full right now and we have no room for them.

So what's the problem? Pile them onto the busses and send them back across the border and back home.

If we had sovereign country and not those FPM fake foreign ministers we would have rightfully received billions for taking care of Syrian refugees and teaching them democracy and civility so they can make a positive change once back in Syria. Turkey got billions from Europe as refugees would have cost significantly more to Europeans if they reached their shores. Lebanon rightly deserves at least $25 per day for every Syrian temporary refugee in Lebanon. This is over $10 billion per year. FPM has instead used refugees as a cash cow to divert millions to its cronies, instead of FPM foreign ministers requesting a UN resolution for these funds to be earmarked in any Syrian donor conference. This will insure Assad would want them back ASAP. In addition, why not learn from US and UAE and offer citizenship to 1,000 students with highest academic score whether Syrian, Palestinian, Asian or African. This give them hope while benefiting Lebanon.