Report: Qatar calls for meeting of five-nation group on Thursday

Qatar has invited the countries of the five-nation group on Lebanon -- the U.S., France, KSA, and Egypt -- to meet in Doha on Thursday, Nidaa-al Watan newspaper reported Monday.
The daily claimed that France preferred to postpone the meeting until September, so that its presidential envoy, Jean Yves Le Drian, could complete his mission in Lebanon, while another country of the group suggested to postpone it until next week.
Sources told Nidaa-al Watan that France is considering expanding the consultations to include in addition to the presidential file, dialogue, reforms and an action plan, while Saudi Arabia and Qatar prefer to limit the meeting to the presidential file and refuse any modification of the Lebanese political system that might affect the Taif Accord.
The Americans, for their part, agree with Qatar on the nomination of Army chief General Joseph Aoun, the daily said.