EU parliament votes against refugee repatriatriation amid Lebanese objections


The European Parliament has voted overwhelmingly in favor of a resolution supporting the continued presence of Syrian refugees in Lebanon.

"Conditions are not met for the voluntary, dignified return of refugees in conflict-prone areas in Syria," the European Parliament's resolution text said.

The resolution recalled the vulnerability of the refugee population in Lebanon and stressed the need to provide adequate, predictable and multi-layered funding to agencies working with refugees.

Minister of the displaced Issam Sahrafeddine said Thursday that the European Parliament decision is "arbitrary and unacceptable."

"It is a blatant interference in our national affairs," he added.

MP Faisal Karameh also criticized the decision of the European Parliament. "It has no legal value and violates international law as it intervenes in sovereign affairs," the lawmaker said.

Many politicians, including Amal MP Qassem Hashem, Democratic Gathering bloc MP Bilal Abdallah, Free Patriotic Movement MP Simon Abi Ramia and former MP Amal Abou Zeid, condemned the decision.

"Lebanon can no longer bear the refugee burden," the Lebanese Forces also said Thursday in a statement, as it called on the international community to help Lebanon to repatriate refugees or transfer them to other European or Arab countries that would accept to grant them permanent residence and a decent life.

Comments 4
Thumb galaxy 13 July 2023, 14:03

I was hoping they would have voted for a resolution that welcomes Syrian refugees in the European Union instead?!

Thumb 13 July 2023, 15:38

I would like to point out a few historical instances where the EU, specifically France, was involved in providing asylum to controversial individuals. One prominent case is the granting of asylum to the Ayatollah Khomeini by France. Similarly, France provided refuge to Michel Naïm Aoun, accused of war crimes and robbing the BDL. The decision to protect him from prosecution in his home country raises ethical questions, as it appears to conflict with the pursuit of justice and accountability for his actions. Furthermore, France's involvement in aiding and supporting Yasser Arafat, despite his involvement in criminal activities that resulted in the loss of many lives in Lebanon. These are just three examples that pertain to Lebanon.

Thumb 13 July 2023, 15:38

I would like to point out a few historical instances where the EU, specifically France, was involved in providing asylum to controversial individuals. One prominent case is the granting of asylum to the Ayatollah Khomeini by France. Similarly, France provided refuge to Michel Naïm Aoun, accused of war crimes and robbing the BDL. The decision to protect him from prosecution in his home country raises ethical questions, as it appears to conflict with the pursuit of justice and accountability for his actions. Furthermore, France's involvement in aiding and supporting Yasser Arafat, despite his involvement in criminal activities that resulted in the loss of many lives in Lebanon. These are just three examples that pertain to Lebanon.

Thumb 13 July 2023, 19:21

I apologize for the duplicate post. It seems that the website is experiencing technical difficulties today, with frequent error 503 and 504 codes. This could be due to issues with the AWS server infrastructure, possibly maintenance?