Al-Rahi proposes presidential solution, says Syrian refugees 'occupying' country

Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi on Sunday wondered why parliament does not "convene in successive sessions to elect a president in line with Article 49 of the constitution."
"There are two main candidates who are competent as shown in the June 14 session. If one of them does not get elected after three successive rounds, an agreement would be reached on a third candidate through responsible dialogue," al-Rahi suggested in his Sunday Mass sermon.
"Can someone tell us why quorum was ended in that session that could have been decisive? Can someone explain to us the goal of postponing this essential juncture to September?" al-Rahi asked.
"Is it an August vacation for MPs so that they enjoy the sea, the mountains or traveling while the people are dying of hunger and the state is in a situation of chaos?" the patriarch added.
"The Syrian refugees are occupying the country with support from the international community while we are standing idly by," al-Rahi warned, noting that the refugees "have forgotten their land, country, history and culture."

cedars, what truth? The maronite church does not care about the truth. Massacres were carried out in lebanon because of this church. Also al-rahi is a populist that speaks like a small party politician trying to win votes. He sounds nothing like Jesus.

B.K.L shouldn't you be out looking for gays to kill as per Hassan Nasrallah orders? Don't forget to pick up Mystic and his boyfriend Mrowwe on your way out, don't ask, don't tell am I right!

Nobody wants to kill LGBTQIA+++ debauchees, they should just return to their closet and stop the propaganda.

SupportBeirut, no i shouldn't. Shouldn't you be out supporting the gays in Beirut?

The patriarch espouses populist views. Contrary to the belief that the refugees are occupying the country, they are essentially seen as inconvenient guests. Our primary predicament lies with the individuals and countries opposing their return, particularly the EU, which would swiftly impose sanctions on Lebanon upon issuing any decree. Additionally, Bashar Al Assad's inability to provide sustenance and shelter for them would further exacerbate and destabilize Syria. The only viable solution is for Europe to graciously welcome them, emulating their acceptance of millions of Ukrainians. Moreover, they could extend this benevolence to include the Palestinians.